Women in Indian Industry

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In the wake of UN’S declaration of the women’s decade in 1975 numerous studies on women were conducted around the world. Various scholars in India carried out research on women’s education, modernization, family structure, position of women in the family, divorce etc. However, women who are now entering the world of work in greater numbers have not received adequate attention. This book tries to fill in the lacunae in an important sphere: the employment of women in the industrial sector. Women until recently were not allowed to enter the industrial employment sector. They have now made a niche for themselves in the electronic industry due to dexterity of their nimble fingers and their patience at repeatative jobs. This book describes the women’s two worlds-work in industry and life at home. It highlights the style of women’s specially in electronic industry. A Pioneering work of this nature is likely to prove highly useful to industrial and business executives, economic planners and the plethora of commissions and committees which are appointed from time to time for ameliorating the economic lot of women.


Dr. (Mrs.) A. Ramanamma. Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Poona, Pune, has specialized in Industrial sociology ,Medical sociology and women’s Studies besides Sociology of Development. She has to her credit four books and about 30 research papers in national and international journals. She was a Fulbright and Dorothy Leet scholar. Recently she has contributed a useful and topical work on Achievement Problems of Scheduled casts Educated Women in Urban Areas. Her constant interest in women’s studies and industrial sociology has culminated in this study.


Dr.(Mrs.) Usha Bambawale is Research Scholar in Sociology, She is interested in Women’s studies. Sociology of religion and Family. She has published three books and about 30 articles in national and international journals. Her interest in family , religion and women led to her study of these problems and the publication entitled “Inter-Religious Marriages”. She has also worked with Dr. Ramanamma on the project. “Achievement Problems of Scheduled Caste Women in urban Areas.”


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Women in Indian Industry
1st ed.
viii+232p.,Tables; Appendix; Bibliography; Index; 22cm.