The present publication represents a modest attempt to profile the various critical issues that engender widespread debate and discussion in the context of women in Islamic culture and society: the subjects of marriage, divorce, succession, dower and custody of children. Particular focus is on women in non-Islamic society, with ample references drawn from Israel and environs. While the text provides illuminating reading and enlightenment for both student and scholar, the copious end notes and references to various religious and legal or theological texts make the compilation focused and articulate. Of particular interest are the profile papers on women’s participation in feminist and political activism in selected Islamic nations–Egypt, Turkey and Iran–and also the illuminating note on the mystic and sufi tradition among Muslim women. The present publication would hopeful be a welcome addition to the rather meagre literature in this vital area.
Women In Islamic Culture And Society: A Study Of Family, Ferminism And Franchise
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Women In Islamic Culture And Society: A Study Of Family, Ferminism And Franchise
1st ed.
v+328p., Index; 22cm.
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