Contents: Foreword. 1. The invitation to Nepal: 2. Nepal: poverty and turmoil: i. A short look at the history of Nepal. ii. Women’s struggle for liberation – an important part of the history of Nepal. iii. We meet the campaign team. iv. We learn how the people live. v. Through the state of emergency the rulers are trying to break the people’s wish for freedom. 3. Nepal’s women rise against exploitation and oppression: i. Patience needed to fight feudal-patriarchal traditions. ii. The fight for daily life and the liberation of women two sides of a coin. iii. ANWA – a women’s association with mass influence. Appendices: 1. The greetings from the women of Germany. 2. Reply from the ANWA to the women of Germany. 3. Charter of women’s rights. 4. Report on the women’s liberation movement of Nepal. 5. Interrelationship between charter of women’s rights and women’s liberation movement/Mohan Bikram Singh. 6. Comment on the paper presented in the seminar/Gabriele Beisenkamp.
Women and the Political Process
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