"Present work is dealing with the problems of employed mothers in balancing their two roles. The data collected for the purpose are mainly through interviewing, sampled school teachers in an Orian city, with the help of questionnaires executed personally by the researcher visiting them in their respective schools and homes. The study reveals that the considerable number of informants hail from middle class families and also married to persons with that background. It is found that the informants with higher educational qualifications such as a Master’s degree, were married to men with equal or even higher educational qualifications. The study indicates that majority of the informants found it rather difficult to adjust with the societal conditions and also to do justice to both their roles. Because, their husbands, members of the family, neighbours, collegues and the superior officials were themselves not prepared psychologically, to accept a working mother. So they were also not able to understand the problems that the women normally face in balancing the two roles and extend an helping hand in household and/or school work."
Matrimonial Law in Islam
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