World Clinics: Dermatology – Acne

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Acne is an extremely complex disease with elements of pathogenesis involving defects in epidermal keratinzation, androgen secretion, sebaceous function, bacterial growth, inflammation and immunity. Occurrence of adolescent acne is so universal that it is almost considered physiological is an old dermatological adage and this is more true today, than ever. So acne could well be the commonest skin disease for which advice is sought. Hence, the inaugural issue of World Clinics is dedicated to this ubiquitous condition. In this issue, which is a culmination of efforts of an international team of experts who are leaders in their own field, have reviewed some of the latest developments in the pathogenesis and management of acne.


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World Clinics: Dermatology – Acne
1st. Ed.
270p., 7" x 9.5"