World Famous Great Lives (Volume 1)

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The well-researched volume remains one of the most authoritative reference guides on the lives of great achievers of all times. Written in simple and lucid language,it offers biographical sketches of great artists, authors, scientists, scholars, spiritual masters, singers, statesmen,royalty, film stars, mystics, politicians, philosophers, thinkers, sportsmen etc. for ready reference. An ideal companion in leisure time,it also has great educational value as we learn many fascinating details about the lives of great men and women-providing us inspiration to do things differently and more confidently. At times such inspirations have more value than any other motivational factors. When we learn that Edison was a poor boy without any formal schooling, or Faraday was an apprentice at a stationery shop we feel greatly motivated and find a new confidence in ourselves.The history of the world is replete with such instances and full of such men and women who went against all odds and achieved great heights and changed the shape of the world. One in a series of three books,this book remains a compact reference guide for students, teachers, parents and laypersons alike. A must-read and must-have for individuals as well as institutions.



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World Famous Great Lives (Volume 1)
1st ed.