World’s Best Magic Tricks

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Perform the miracle rope trick! And the Hindu bangle trick! Make a glass disappear through a table! Amaze your friends with magic memory and your X-ray vision! Pull a rope right through someone’s body! These and a host of other amazing magic tricks, the world’s best, show that the impossible is possible, if you know the secrets. Dozens of how-to illustrations and step-by-step directions will make you a master magician. This book will teach you the tricks and how to present them smoothly. It will also help you work out the running jokes and stories to give your magic a flair of professionalism.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Charles Townsend

Charles Barry Townsend has been writing books dealing with puzzles, games and magic for over 26 years now. He is the author of 22 books, including The World's Most Incredible Puzzles, The World's Hardest Puzzles, The World's Greatest Magic Tricks, Great Victorian Puzzle Book and The World's Most Perplexing Puzzles, all published by Orient Paperbacks. Mr. Townsend lives in Mill Creek, Washington, where he spends a good deal of his time thinking up ways to confound and entertain readers.


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World’s Best Magic Tricks
1st ed.