The new millennium has ushered in a lot of hope and enthusiasm for creation of a new life order where, besides a longer life span, human beings would be interested in quality and fullness in their lives. This would mean stress management, which is both effective and holistic. Rapid changes in life patterns, compression of time and space and a compartmentalized approach to life has raised stress levels to astronomical proportions. Stress is proving to be a killer disease and has sapped the vitality of human beings. Stress is causing serious distortions in interpersonal relationships and is destroying the quality of human lives. Hence, there is an urgent need to tackle the problem of stress on a war footing. A human being is a multi-dimensional entity with roots in consciousness. Stress, too is multi-dimensional and has a root cause, which lays the foundation and operative causes, which build the superstructure. The singular approach would be to have a clear understanding of stress and its various aspects and evolve a unified methodology for obliteration of past stress at different dimensions and create a field of invincibility for future stress. The book offers an effective, lasting and holistic solution to the problem of stress through Yoga-Vedanta’s integrated approach to life which bestows three-fold benefits, viz. obliterating past stress, recluding future stress and taking you beyond stress where you start performing ACES–Actions that are Creative, Energetic and Spontaneous. This triggers you to look at newer and more creative possibilities in life.
Three Acharyas and Narayana Guru: The Ongoing Revaluation of Vedanta
Shankara, Ramanuja and ...
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