Dilip Kumar Roy, who achieved fame throughout India and abroad as a singer, comes from one of the most aristocratic and artistic families of Bengal, where he has long been regarded as one of the foremost cultural leaders of the artistic renajssance in India. He started his career as singer and composer. Mahatma Gandhi once said of him: "I may make bold to claim that very few persons in India- or rather in the world – have a voice like his, so rich and sweet and intense." But his grande passion has always been his deep thirst for the spiritual life and he has written about a good many yogis in his personal reminiscences. A friend of Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, Romain Rolland and Bertrand Russell, and a disciple of sri Aurobindo, he made his mark as a writer in English and Bengali. So far he has written about seventy books in Bengali and a dozen in English. This book is the story of Yogi Sri Krishnaprem, a great mystic philosopher, written by a leading mystic poet of India. It is the story of a life-long friendship that turns mutuality into a sense of identity in the Divine. The reading of this book is indeed a delightful and illuminating experience. Sri Dilip Kumar has made a charming presentation to the public with profound feeling and insight of the variegated experience and wisdom of a person who was, as Ramana Maharshi truly observed, "a rare combination of a jnani and bhakta."
Yogi Sri Krishnaprem
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Yogi Sri Krishnaprem
1st ed.
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1992
337p., 18cm.
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