Knowledge of ayurveda is vast like a sea; there is no end to it. After studying academic ayurveda for ten years and practicing ayurveda since 1995, still I can not say that I have learned even fifty percent of ayurveda. There is much more to learn. I have met some old vaidyas (ayurvedic doctor), who were practicing ayurveda since fifty years but still they used to read some text of ayurveda. Because whenever you go through any classical ayurveda text like Charak Samhita or Sushruta Samhita, every time you find new meaning of shlokas (verse), they content such a deep knowledge in them. So it is difficult to cover the sea in small bottle, we only can have a glimpse of sea, in the bottle, filled with sea water. Same with this book "Your health and Ayurveda". Some patients and seekers of ayurveda, who wanted to know basics of ayurveda and general information about health care, they were insisting me to write small book, which contents basics of Ayurveda and knowledge about maintenance of health without use of medicine. So after one year this book is ready for the readers. This book is divided in four sections: 1) What is Ayurveda; 2) How Ayurveda is Useful; 3) What is in my Body and Mind; (4) What makes Ayurveda Unique.
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