A.H. Development Publishing House

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Why policy fails? This is the most frequently asked question in the policy arena particularly in developing countries. It is popularly believed that in developing countries, policies cannot be implemented as desired because of poor resource endowment. In addition to this, there are several other reasons for policy failure that are embedded in the policy process itself in an attempt at exploring these reasons this book examines the policy making process in ...
The study leading to this publication was conducted to obtain an overview of the government of Bangladesh policies regarding the Non Governmental Organization (NGOs) engaged in development; to examine the existing modalities to collaboration between the government and the NGOs; and to see whether those models were viable. It also aims at making an assessment of the strengths and weakness of those models in fulfilling the development need of Bangladesh. ...
The book has divided into five chapters. In first chapter has described the overview, criteria, the unique aspects of landscapes and cultural identify of Sundarbans. The pressure, problems and management strategy has analysed with critique way in chapter 2. The definition of tourism, opening up and attraction, site impact and a role of tourism in the Sundarbans has analysed in chapter 3. On the basis of recent problems and consideration of alternative solution ...
In this book an effort was made to examine the reach-scale braiding process and its impacts on bank erosion and channel morphodynamics, to assess sedimentary properties and downstream sorting of sediment size classes in connection with flow patterns, and to estimate morphological changes and sediment balance over decadal timescales using the status of recent methodological advancement and progress of studies in braided systems. In addition, impact of flooding on ...
The present work is the out come of the field study by the writer on the role of Grameen microcredit in changing the life patterns of rural women of Monigram, Bangladesh. She conducted her field study in a remote rural area. Namely, Monigram union in Bagha Upazila under Rajshahi District. It was a part of her M. Phil. Research study in gender and development at the University of Bergen, Norway. Her research interest was not to evaluate GB's policy on loan ...
This book deals with one of the most intriguing as well as most important political phenomena of Bangladesh politics; the evolution of a Bangladesh from a constitutionally "secular" state to one where the Islamists have come out as important actors and secularism as an ideology has declined in strength. Drawing upon the literature on global as well as Bangladeshi Islamic Movements, the book tries to explain the reasons for the rise of the Islamists from ...
This book has attempted to understand the problems of Muslim divorced women in Bangladesh. The phenomenon of divorce in Bangladesh is not universal. Even though, the problem of divorced women is not found in all religious community. According to law, Muslim husband has unilateral power of divorcing wife. But women do not have such types of power. In fact, women's power of divorce usually depends on men's wishes. At the same time, Hindu law does not allow divorce, ...
'Democracy without women is not a democracy'. One of the aspects of 'democracy with women' is ensuring women's participation in the decision making institutions of a democratic polity. Balanced representation of women and men at all stages of decision making process guarantees better governance. Parliament is one of the formal and important political institutions. In all Parliaments of Bangladesh (except the fourth and the sixth), women MPs worked with their male ...
Abraham Lincoln defined democracy as 'of the people, for the people and by the people'. To make it a reality in a democratic society of twenty first century, planning should stand for not only 'of the people, for the people and by the people ; it must also be 'with the people'. Again in this age of globalization, advocacies like 'think globally act locally', necessitate a change in the perception of a planner to replace it with 'both think and act ...
Resources are used for development, it requires more effective use, objective of monitoring and evaluation of completed project and feedback lessons learned into the design and implementation of new ones is crucial for efficient development management. The author have studied and consulted some books which are relevant for effective monitoring and evaluation. These books helped me in preparing of the present book titled "Monitoring, Evaluation and ...
The present book critically analyses The Nature of Legitimacy and the Crisis of Bangladesh Politics During the Period 1972-1990. It is the product of long endeavor that grew out from the author's Ph. D work. The study was conducted to provide an insight into the nature and extent of legitimacy crisis of Bangladesh politics. Legitimacy is the most important basis for a regime to stay in power. The viability of leadership is greatly enhanced by legitimacy. Hence, ...
Contents: 1. Introduction. 2. General framework of government budget. 3. Legal support heritage of government budgeting in Bangladesh. 4. Bangladesh budget in practice. 5. Medium term budget framework. 6. Budget implementation. 7. Budget, annual plan and resource mobilisation. 8. Conclusion. 9. Beyond conclusion. List of appendices. Index.
From the Foreword: The book is a collection of policy-oriented research articles on important issues such as primary, secondary and tertiary levels of education of Bangladesh/renowned educationists/researchers of the country have contributed in this volume. In recent times rapid transformation of economic structure, policies and institutions are being observed on a global scale. More so for education sector because this is identified as crucial factor for ...
The coastal zone is a unique place of vital importance to innumerable terrestrial and aquatic life forms. It is one of the most productive areas accessible to people. People have always been drawn to coastal areas for food, commerce and recreation. The coast also provides an important safety feature for people living near the ocean. Beaches, dunes, barrier islands, mangrove forests all act as buffers against the high winds and waves associated with coastal ...