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"Rifles Bread Women admirably projects the essential spirit of the Bangladesh liberation war and clearly shows the causes and circumstances that made it inevitable, giving a graphic description of the killings, lootings and mass destruction perpetrated by the Pakistani army when it unleashed on the unarmed civilian population of Bangladesh a genocide of unimaginable proportions. The novel vividly portrays many characters and scenes which enable the reader ...
The Laughter of a Slave is a moving and powerful tale about the indomitable spirit of man, dramatically personified in the black slave Tatari. The beauty of the slave's free laughter is expressed through his love for his clandestine wife, the Armenian slave-girl Meherjan. And the poet Abu Ishaq sings of that spirit which chains can fetter but not break. Set in the Caliph Harun-al-Rashid's exotic Baghdad, full of sensuous scenes of love and cruelty, it is ...
This book, for the vast majority of those who will read it, is about an alternative way. It tells the story of an unusual artist who does not care about money, status or security. In his art, no less than in his life, his way has been different and entirely his own. Another way, another vision, another style of life and art. A different way has to be projected in a different way. Unlike most novelists, who try to turn fiction into reality, Hasnat Abdul Hye has ...
The region of South Asia witnessed some of the momentous events of historical consequence in the last decade of twentieth century or more precisely after the end of Cold War. Contrary to expectation a collective vision of the region which cameforth with the formation of SAARC in 1985 petered out gradually giving way to the old acrimony and conflicts and most importantly an ominous arms race leading to the proliferation of nuclear weapon in South Asia. In tandem ...
The middle east has become the centre of gravity in international politics since the later part of the last century. As a region it contains a significant reserve of the fossil fuel that has been the major motive force of the present civilisation. It is cursed in the sense that centering on the huge oil reserve, marauders, looters and killers of all dimensions have flocked together only to get some bites out of it. The people of this region, living in different ...
This book presents illuminating analysis on social justice, the universal quest of mankind. What does justice mean? What institutional mechanism is needed to realize it? What sort of human qualities are needed to ensure the value of justice in society? all these question have been adequately addressed in this book. In so doing, the author has made an extensive survey of different theories of justice beginning from platonic conception to modern formulation by John ...
Aide-Memoire is a vivid description of boyhood memories covering the period from 1943 to 1954 when the author had scattered experiences of living under British colonial rule and in independent Pakistan. Though of tender age, his sensitive mind faithfully registered events that he witnessed or were affected by in the course of living at different places. Some of the events he describes are historic and often painful reminders of human cruelty and folly, such as ...
There is no beauty truer than the beauty of God in the universe that lives within our souls. Baul songs are of joy and love, and of their deep longing for mystical union with the divine within. Their language is simple, and the deepest of their thoughts are clothed in hone-spun words and metaphors, common to countryside village folk. Yet, amid the simple language, the songs of the Baul contain an extensive, meaningful philosophy that connects to all of their life ...