Advaita Ashrama

103 books
The wavy waters in the picture are symbolic of karma: and lotus, and the rising sun of jnana the encircling serpent is indicative of yoga and the awakened Kundalini Shakti while the swan in the picture stands for the Parmatman (Supreme self) therefore the idea of the picture is that by the union of karma, Jnana, Bhakti and yoga the vision of the Paramatman is obtained.
In this book Sister Nivedita has given us pictures of the Indian woman in her role as mother and wife and as the feeder and sustainer of the national culture and traditions, The author then enters into a study of the national epics, the caste system, and various other aspects of Indian life and ideals, and gives a brilliant sketch of Indian thought and what it stands for.
This book is, writes Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, ‘almost the only fair account of Hindu ...
Swamiji and friends, I am grateful for this invitation to come to this celebration and I am glad to take this opportunity to express my homage to the memory of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. I do not know that I am particularly fitted to speak about the life and teachings of Sri Ramakrishna, because he was a man of God and I am a man of earth and engaged in earthly activities, which consume all my energy. But even a man of earth can admire and perhaps be influenced ...
It is one of the most important works of Shankaracharya on Advaita philosophy. The central theme of the book is the identity of the individual self and Universal self. This identity is realized through the removal of the ignorance that hides the truth, by the light of Vichara or enquiry alone. To those who have neither the time nor the opportunity to go through the classical works of Shankara, this book will be an invaluable guide in their quest after spiritual ...
The simple question, 'How we know?" is one of the toughest problems that have confronted the human mind. Methods of Knowledge presents to modern thinkers the Vedantic approach to this universal problem. It dwells on different types of knowledge from sensory experience, which man shares with the lowest living beings, up to the transcendental perception of ultimate Reality claimed by great mystics and seers of the world. The commonest of all cognitions has ...
The present book presents the study and information of Swami Vivekananda which evinces him a better poet than a thinker and a philosopher. It is by the dint of his supersensible order of life, and also the preachings that scholars have missed to explore his poetic excellence as well as its significance.
Amongst the tremendous works available on Swami Vivekananda, this book has a place of special significance as the issues and aspects evinced are those which the ...
In every age God's descent in human form marks the rise of a sweeping spiritual wave. The birth of Sri Ramakrishna was an instance of this phenomenon. Even in his youth he was possessed by a divine madness, earnestly longing for God-vision. Like a Columbus, he embarked on a journey into the uncharted land of spirit. By his superhuman spiritual practices, swooning in the ocean of Mother's love and stunned by the experience of Brahman, he cut the hinges of the ...
For a long time human beings remain forgetful of God and spend their time in worldly enjoyments. Through that, however, none can realise God. But when one realises one’s mistake, one finds out the way to the attainment of God, and at that time the truly auspicious moment of life comes and presents itself.
Though Shukadeva narrated Srimad Bhagavata for the sake of Parikshit, it is a treasure belonging to each and every human being. There is no record of the ...
He who finds inaction in action, and action in inaction, he is the wise one among men; he is engaged in yoga and is a perfomer of all actions!
The Brahma Sutras along with the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita form the triple canon-the Prasthana-traya-of the spiritual tradition of India. A study of Shankaracharya's great commentaries on them is indispensable for all students of Vedanta; and translation of the commentaries is of ut most importance to those whose limited knowledge of Sanskrit will not allow the study of the commentaries in the original. This Volume presents a reliable translation of ...
Understanding that the life of a prophet is best told by himself, this book is an attempt to from an autobiography from Sri Ramakrishna's utterances about his life. These words taken mainly, but not exclusively, from the 'Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna', allow the reader to hear, as it were, the Master's story from his own lips.
Included are a Chronology of the Life of Sri Ramakrishna and a Glossary.
Perhaps the greatest of the Puranas, the Srimad Bhagavatam has been for centuries one of the favorite religious texts of India. The Bhagavata Purana includes many stories well known in Hinduism, including the various avatars of Vishnu and the life and pastimes of his complete incarnation, Krishna or Svayam Bhagavan.
Religious truths are here presented in the form of stories for young and old alike. The selection includes many favorites: the story of Prahlada, of ...