Agam Kala Prakashan

228 books
The rÑiṅ ma pas are the only minority school of Tibetan Buddhism whose iconography differs markedly from the mainstream iconography re-presented by the gSar ma pa or new schools. Scholarly works on rÑiṅ ma iconography are quite rare and have so far never covered the whole of the rÑiṅ ma pantheon. This book has been written as an attempt to fill this gap, trying to supply introductory as well as comprehensive information, meant for people ...
The present book consists of nineteen Chapters on Ancient Indian History Culture and Archaeology. Keeping in mind the requirement of graduate and research students, I have tried my level best to gather facts from all sources including the published and unpublished works. The opening Chapter is on Sources of history without which it is impossible to say anything about the past. The second chapter is based on Indus Valley civilization and the beginning of the metal ...
Present work entitled, Mughal imperial costumes and designs during 16th and 17th century. This work is meant primary for the researcher who want to come in the field of Mughal imperial costumes and designs. It will also prove beneficial for the student of Medieval Indian History.
Unfortunately the primary and secondary sources of Mughal period have not discussed much about Mughal costumes. No separate work exists on this theme. Through several writers have ...
The present work entitled "the Wonders of Mughal India" an attempt has been made to light the Mughal India - Historical and factual tracing of description, regarding founder and rulers of Mughal period of India. It is a fact of immense significance that whereas in the Tracing medieval India's Mughal period History, since the conquest of Babur played the role of a powerful effective but mostly external factor in the East the expansion of Mughal rule ...
The present work entitled "the Wonders of Sultanate India" an attempt has been made to light the medieval India – Historical and factual tracing of description, regarding founder and rulers of Sultanate period of India. It is a fact of immense significance that whereas in the tracing medieval India's Delhi Sultanate period history, the conquest of Islam played the role of a powerful effective but mostly external factor in the East the expansion of ...
The work is meant, primarily, for undergraduate and postgraduate students, who have offered courses in ancient Indian numismatics and epigraphy. Teacher and student, alike, often find is difficult to locate coins and inscriptions, in their true the historical perspective, without some knowledge of the political history of the period of their issue. Unfortunately, in the present day scenario of history writing, where political history has lost ground to ...
Buddhism is vast field spanning a wide variety of concerns. For twenty five centuries Buddhism has inspired the greatest achievements of Asian thought and culture, and today the impact of its message is beginning to be felt in the western world as well. The greatness of the religion lies in the method of its spread. In the entire world religions, Buddhism is the only religion which made its way without persecution, censorship or inquisition. As H.G. Wells, the ...
The book is the detailed study of the settlement archaeology of the lower Shetrunji river basin and coastal part of Bhavnagar district of Saurashtra in Gujarat during the Early Historic period. The Early Historic period of Gujarat in general and Saurashtra in particular was marked by a growth of large and small size towns such as Amreli, Akota and Valabhipur. The main theme of the present volume is the Early Historic settlements which were located in the lower ...
The present piece of work is the outcome of the holistic, original documentation and survey of the art and architecture of South Kosala which is one of the interesting and dazzling chapters of Indian art history. Temples of a wide range of varieties were constructed in India during the post Gupta period over a time span of more than a millennium broadly in three varieties, namely nagara, dravida and vesara. The inscription Amritesvara temple at Holal Karnataka ...
The Kadambas of Goa were an offshoot of the earliest Kadamba family of Karnataka viz., the Kadambas of Banavasi who ruled between 4th-6th cent. A.D. With the rise of Chalukyas of Badami they lost their imperial status and some members of the family migrated to the different places and served as subordinates of the imperial rulers.
The Kadambas of Goa were one such family who were feudatories under Chalukyas of Kalyana and continued to serve the subsequent ruling ...
The Indian Temple is a unique institution and its development from almost the fifth century A.D. onwards is a fascinating tale. It furnishes material for reconstructing the religious history of India and also casts a spell on the student of art and architecture. It is in the temple - abode of the God –that the beauty and sublimity of divine experience meet so as to create a feeling of ananda (unalloyed joy). The function of the temple is to facilitate the ...
The present monograph entitled “Jharkhand-Cultural and Archaeological Perspectives” Authored by Dr. Kamal Shankar Srivastava, an attempt has been made to trace and to explain the cultural and archaeological aspects of Jharkhand especially related to Chotanagpur and Santal Pargana regions of Jharkhand
The present work consists of eight chapters i.e., Indian Archaeology Introduction and Historical Approach, (2) Jharkhand-Pre and Proto-Historical ...
Tiger king worshiped as Dakshin Raya is cohort of the goddess of Sundarbans and the Muslim saints who nurtured early settlements in lower Bengal. In the animistic religion folklore and oral epic is conservatory of medieval epic literature. Tiger is invincible soul of Asia. Through art and literature Sengupta unravels the history of the tiger in the East-West encounter. Tiger at the center of obsessive funerary cult appears in the Indus Valley seals and on the ...
Sakti is the Mother of the Universe: the highest primal power. She is the all-pervading, intangible energy principle that propels the cosmos and its endless human dimensions with the life-throbs of activity and culture. Camunda, the Divine Mother is one of the manifestations of Sakti. She is the most ferocious goddess of the Hindu pantheon. The cult of Camunda is of considerable antiquity. The Mahabharat, the Puranas and other literary texts have provided vivid ...
This book ‘Excavations in Gujarat’ gives a comprehensive history of excavated sites in Gujarat along with the material culture unearthed during excavations. These are otherwise unpublished and a many lies in the doctoral thesis of scholars that are unavailable to others. Gujarat is the only state in India where the archaeological vestiges has revealed the evidences for the first, second and third urbanizations. Besides, the study of the variety of ...
The present Volume is the latest endeavour to freshly enquire into the relevance and validity of commonly held categorizations of ancient Indian religious architecture as Hindu, Buddhist and Jain, often noticed in the extant standard writings on this genre of the art studies. It has been observed that while this may somehow appear true and may also have some sort of relevance primarily from the standpoint of its creators and users, who used to perform some kind ...
This book deals about scientific investigation about mural art of Ajanta reflecting two decades of research. This discovery of Ajanta and measures adopted by various art lovers in early 19th Century at has direct impact on its conservation as detailed in the book. The ancient Indian painting recipe and mural art techniques employed at Ajanta has been incorporated in the book. Detailed studies about nature and characterization of mud mortar of Ajanta/Ellora which ...
Tantra is a special manifestation of Indian feeling art and religion. It may really be understood, in the last resort by people, who are prepared to undertake inner meditative action. Indeed, tantra is one thread, which can guide us through the labyrinth, all the different manifestations of tantra can be strung on it. This thread in the idea that tantra is a cult of ecstasy, focused on a vision of cosmic sexuality, life-styles, ritual magic, myth, philosophy and ...