Akshaya Prakashan

27 books
The Bhagavadgita holds an assured place among the world's great scriptures. It is one of the most brilliant and pure gems of our ancient sacred books. It would be difficult to find a simpler work in Sanskrit literature or even in all the literature of the world than the Gita, which explains to us in an unambiguous and succinct manner the deep and sacred principles of the sacred science of the Self (Atman), etc.
It is a dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna, ...
This volume is based on the commentary on the Katha Upanisad given by Shri Anirvan during his talks in Calcutta in 1958.
Katha Upanisad holds an important place in Indian philosophy. Though, men know the difference between the preferable good way and the way of pleasures, they generally take to the way of pleasures. In this Upanisad, through the dialogue between Yamaothe god of death and Naciketa, a search has been undertaken to find the way of abstinence ...
Kena Upanisad consists of the the four sections of the fourth chapter of the Jaiminiya Brahmana Upanisad of the Samaveda. It begins directly with Brahman as its subject matter and tells us in first two parts how it is impossible to know or attain Brahman by our ordinary senses including mind. To realize Brahman we have to open ourselves to higher intuitive levels of mind. In the third and fourth parts, the Upanisad beautifully speaks about the unknowable Brahman ...
After India's 1947 partition, Hindus were a third of East Pakistan's population; when East Pakistan became Bangladesh in 1971, they were less than a fifth; 30 years later under a tenth; and today fewer than eight percent. Bangladeshi Hindus face government tolerated murder, rape, abduction, forced conversion, land grabs, and more, including a 2009 pogrom behind a Dhaka police station. Yet, the world has remained silent-until now.;A Quiet Case of Ethnic Cleansing: ...
The Vedic evidence points to strong priestly institutions, who could compose verses, not only for the daily worship of the people but also for the performing of homas or yajnas, beside other religious rites relating to the birth, marriage and death of the people in the contemporary society, some of which have come down to the present times.
The Rsis, though were mostly the Brahmanas, but it was not exclusively so. The supreme knowledge was not confined to a ...
Ever since the dawn of civilization on earth, India has been known as the sacred land or a Punya country, who had been dominating the Indian religious thought from the time immemorial. These seers were revered by the people irrespective of the caster or creed. Such saints and seers have live in the public memory for centuries together and are being revered during the modern times.Rev. Sai Baba happens to be one holy seer, who having once been patronized by the ...
Eighteen thousand verses strong Srimad Bhagavata Mahapurana is one of the most extensive creation of all classics which does not require introduction to the men of wisdom. This mammoth creation of Sage Vedavyasa has lead people to the land of divinity and spiritualism from time immemorial. A peep into this treasure house had astounded even the flagships in the religious orders in the past. Srimad Bhagawata - The Message Divine is only a drop of nectar from the ...
The Old Man and his Soul is an inspirational saga that reframes death and dying as a spiritual adventure. It offers a universal story of profound value to seekers of truth who explore the mystery of life on their personal journey toward union with their soul. The book follows the journey of an elderly man who leaves his ancestral home after the death of his wife and walks through the deserts and forests of Northern India during his seasons of seeking as a sadhu. ...
Through the existence of Sripatipanditacharya’s Bhashya on the Vedanta Sutras of Badarayana has been long known, it has not so far been available in print. An incomplete Telugu edition was published many years ago but this is the first time the whole text is offered in the Devanagari script. The circumstances under which the edition has been undertaken have been set out at some length in the introduction. The work is published in two volumes, the first being ...
This book is a serious attempt at informing the average Indian, and particularly the Hindu, of his philosophy, culture and heritage. Although India’s is the oldest continuous civilization, for various reasons the Hindu today is largely ignorant of his heritage. While some of the reasons for this ignorance are historical viz. the loss of freedom etc., some of it is due to our own neglect. Religion is not meant for the next world but this world ...
Shri Rama permeates the Indian psyche and ethos. Not only has his life inspired a large number of literary works in many Indian and Asian languages but also even the illiterate Indian knows couplets from the Ramacharitmanas. However, the primary source of the Rama saga is Valmeeki’s Ramayana in Sanskrit, which is the basis of this well researched fictional portrayal of this Great Soul. Rama is the epitome of traditional values and propriety, hence, the epithet ...
Syadvadamanjari is a commentary by Mallisena on anyayoga-Vyavaccheda-Dvatrimsika of Hemacandra, the great jaina scholar, preacher and author, who lived in the time of Siddharaja Jayasimha and his successor, Kumarpala, two famous kings of Gujarat in the first and second half of the twelfth century of the Christian era. This work discusses threadbare the multitudinous variety of problems man has to deal with vis-?-vis this world and the world beyond. It deals with ...
1.Acarya Sri Vallabha, the founder of the Suddhadvaita school of Vedanta tradition is said to be of a diving origin imbued with spiritual insight. His philosophy is called pure-non-dualism undefiled by Maya. He was born in Vikram Samvat 1535 (1479 A.D.), to Sri Laksmana Bhatta, a Telugu Brahmin and Illammagaru, a family which had learning towards Vedic rituals and the worship of Gopalakrsna. He traveled extensively to the religious places such as Vijyanagar, Kasi ...
This book contains thirty-one learned articles on different subject of Dharmasastra to give a meaningful introduction to Dharmasastra literature of India. Although subject matter of Dharmasastra is traditionally arranged in three sections; namely acara, vyavahara and prayascitta relating to custom, behaviour and ethics respectively, articles included in this book have been designed in a very modern way of postulation. That, origin and development of Dharmasastra ...
Shinsho Hanayama’s Bibliography on Buddhism is the best reference work for articles and books on the subject written during the last two centuries: the 19th and 20th. It is comprehensive in covering the major European research journals in English, French and German. Prof. Hanayama prepared the entry cards in the libraries at Tokyo, London, Paris, Berlin and Heidelberg. The reviews of works have also been included. The articles in the Encyclopaedia of Religion ...
Hsuan-tsang stands out as a pilgrim-scholar, master-translator, epic hero of Chienese narrative literature, and as the most outstanding source for the history and archaeology, philosophy and geography of India, Central Asia and China. His ‘Record’ has been translated and annotated in full and several times. His ‘Life’ written byhis direct disciples Hui-Li and Yen-ts’ung was summarized in French by S. Julien in 1853. Its first Samuel Beal in 1888, but ...
"Buddhist Art and Thought" encompasses a number of themes related to the study of cultural interflow among Asian countries, sharing philosophy, literature, arts and architecture, systems of polity and ways of living and thinking. It is a journey through the history of dissemination of Buddhism by monk-scholars in the kingdoms of central Asia, and the discovery of the lost heritage by archeologists of various countries. It throws light on the ...
A tender and moving story of unfulfilled love of an innocent Brahmin girl, holy like the Ganga, pure like milky juice of raw coconut. But it was rejected by her lover in favour of a voluptuous Muslim woman he was enamoured of. He converted and on the day of marriage married the Muslim woman instead. Taking the vow of eternal virginity the Brahmin girl expressed her agony in many ballads that are still sung at the Phuleshvari banks, now in Bangladesh… there are ...
Though humble the present collection is a rigorous exercise in providing the interested readers with the essentials of oriental conventions with special reference to India on a variety of issues and problems which may be taken as a holistic approach to things Indian. Preceded by a general conceptual framework of Dharmasastra the book attempts to cover topics from Varnasrama to Hindu jurisprudence via Panchamahayajna, Ancestor worship and Law of inheritance. ...