Anamika Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd.

108 books
This book is an attempt to comprehend and explain the concept of swaraj. The concept of swaraj has attracted attention in the Indian political thought. The Vedic word swaraj regained its position during the period of Indian freedom struggle which essentially enhanced the sense of nationalism implicitly and gradually explicitly. An attempt has been made in this book to evaluate the vedic origin of the concept and compare the views of different political thinkers ...
Whenever and wherever there is a decline in righteous conduct, people forget their real nature, selfishness rises to the extent that man forgets the decency of life, the good get exploited, then the supreme soul incarnates on earth to help the humanity to realize the true purpose of life. History reveals the advent of Rama, Krishna, Jesus, Guru Nanak Dev, Mohammed Prophet, Budha and Shirdi Sai Baba who in their own way revived order in the society.
In the same ...
The anti-imperialist movement in the Indian subcontinent culminated in 1947 with the emergence of two independent nation states-India and Pakistan-amidst a communal holocaust unparalleled in history. Formed on the basis of religion as an equivalent to nationality, Pakistan materialized out of the Muslim majority provinces of Punjab, Bengal, Sind and NWFP, which now emerged as the new centers of Muslim power in the subcontinent.
The present work focuses on the ...
The current trends and technologies have forced the library and information centers and library professionals to serve the library clientele in a more suitable and constructive manner. These results a change in knowledge generation to dissemination. It also compel the libraries and library professional to go for the next generation changes, e.g. manual services to automated services, use of social media for marketing of library services, etc. This change, old ...
There is a considerable ambiguity about the nature and status of women in Indian society. On the one hand, she is believed to represent power and evokes both fear and reverence. On the other hand, she is largely appreciated for her beauty and hardwork. In traditional India, women were supposed to be supposed to be supreme in the household domains, whereas in the public domain men were supposed to be supreme. A women is identified as a mother, a wife, ...