Asiatic Publishing House

89 books
This book is intended for anyone who is willing to take sufficient pains to acquire an elementary knowledge of agricultural entomology as a branch of general zoology. It is consequently written more especially for the student who embarks upon a university training in zoology or agriculture in preparation for career. It will further serve as a preliminary manual for the would-be professional agricultural entomologist during his first year's course. The more ...
This textbook was written for students beginning a study of entomology. The student, his interest in and approach to the subject, and the type of information most worth, while to him have been kept constantly in mind in the preparation of the text. Most students taking the subject may never have more than this one course. The most important question is “What subject matter should be given and how should it be presented? This text is the result of more than ...
We are living in the age of microbiology and molecular biology.The enormous knowledge that has accumulated in the field ofbiology, biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology during thelast century has totally revolutionized the approach for the studyof life and living beings. All most daily come reports of newdiscoveries on the exciting branch of science. Life is now regardedas the expression and interaction of biomolecules and all thebiological process are the ...
Scope of Present Work. This work is the outcome of several years of Research into silvicultural problems at the Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun, and at outlying experimental stations, combined with Observations recorded in many parts of India and Burma for a period extending over more than twenty years. My original intention was to publish, in the form of detached notes, only the results of my own investigations, confining my attention to a limited number of ...
Ayurveda has a very rich pharmacopia that stands unsurpassed even in these days of steadily progressing medical science of the west. The germ of the Ayurvedic system of medicine can be made out in the Vedas. The ancient sages who propounded and promoted Ayurveda had taken the trouble to examine and study the plants and drugs that came under there observation and include them in their materia medica; it is greatly to their credit that they were acquainted with a ...
This book, which is meant for the student who has had his elementary course in botany, is the outcome of the course of lectures on Forest Botany delivered to students of the Indian Forest College at Dehra Dun, 1938-42. It is a book for the teacher and for the student, for use in the classroom as well as in the field, particularly on tour. It has been compiled in the belief that the more flowering material (living or preserved) the student handles, the ...
An increasing demand for everything relating to the vegetable production of India has of late years been the means of eliciting from various quarters much useful information, tending to a more extensive acquaintance with, as well as improvement, of the natural resources of the country.The idea that a collection of ascertained facts regarding the uses of Indian plants is still a desideratum, led to the compilation of the following pages. A vast quantity of ...
This publication is divided into three parts. The lessons in part one should aid in developing an appreciation of the importance of our forest. Part II consists of several lessons describing how farm forestry may be a definite part of the students supervised farming program. Part III includes the forestry jobs the student may complete on his home farm. Much of the factual information in this publication is usable with out of school groups. Considerable data ...
This book in four volumes will also act as an extremely useful reference material for postgraduate students, advanced students, research workers and professionals in forestry, forest management professionals, researchers in forestry and ecology concerned with natural resource management and forest scientists.It is greatly hoped that it will not be thought that the interest and value of this book and the three preceding volumes are limited to the three countries ...
The arrangement of this book which introduces the reader to a difficult problem, probably the most difficult problem, in the craft of beekeeping, in the first chapters and does not tell the reader how to begin until nearly the end, may be unusual but it is not altogether illogical.Every year persons who have begun beekeeping give up in despair because of the losses due to uncontrolled swarming and the formidable amount of labour required to apply the usual ...