Asiatic Society of Bangladesh

29 books
The National Atlas of Bangladesh is a comprehensive collection of maps prepared to portray the spatial dimensions of the country's historical, politico-administrative, physical, environmental, infrastructural, demographic, economic, social, cultural and regional/local features. The large volume of maps, 425 in number, visually illustrate the impressive records of development in independent Bangladesh. The maps are accompanied by short texts, tables and figures. ...
Calligraphy constitutes a major element of ornamentation in Muslim architecture. From the inception of Muslim building art down to the present time, calligraphy never lost its ground as surface ornaments. Monuments of the Delhi Sultanate almost invariably contain calligraphic decoration alongside other ornamental themes like geometric and vegetal ones in their bewildering manifestations.
Contents: Preface. 1. Place of calligraphy in Muslim art. 2. Calligraphy in ...
This wonderful nine volumes of the cultural survey of Bangladesh series have the following titles from which a clear idea about their contents may be formed. VOL I: Archaeological Heritage. PP. 591. VOL II: Architecture: A History Through Ages. PP. 592. VOL III: State and Culture. PP. 634. VOL IV: Cultural History. PP. 646. VOL V: Indigenous Communities. PP. 560. VOL VI: Language and Literature. PP. 626. VOL VII: Folklore. PP. 410. VOL VIII: Art and Craft. : PP. ...
Mahasthan Hoard II (275 coins) is the grand collection of punch marked coins in Bangladesh. The main focus of this research is to catalogue and classify the coins of this hoard. A descriptive and illustrated catalogue of this hoard is prepared and attached in annexure III. It may serve the future researchers as a useful resources.
In respect of symbol, symbol orientation and weight standard, it seemed that all the coins of Mahasthan Hoard II are imperial issues. ...
"The Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh is the first illustrated compendium of all the life forms so far identified in Bangladesh. In 28 volumes it makes an exhaustive inventory of the whole range of plant and animal species in the country. While focusing mainly on the description, habits and habitats of the various species, comments are also made on their economic and ecological significance. Published both in Bangla and English the encyclopedia ...
The book is an output of Ph.D. dissertation at the University of St. Andrews, U.K., under the sponsorship of the Association of commonwealth Universities. Relative sea level movements, both in geological time scale, as well as the current trends, refer to very complicated processes, operating globally, regionally and locally. Dr. Islam has widely reviewed these issues from theoretical to applied context. Based on empirical evidences, the fluctuating history of ...
The Lalitavistara is one of the greatest Buddhist texts, and presents us with one of the earliest accounts of Buddha’s life. Nothing is known about its author or the specific period of its composition. It is called a Vaipulya sutra of Buddhism. Composed in what is known as Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit, it is something of an enigma and there are still controversies about its interpretation. It is extremely important today not only as a religious ...
The present volume is a mosaic of articles, a witness to the emergence of different schools of historiography who debate about bracketing science and technology together, about internal history (of viewing the scientific community as a society in itself) and external history (study of science in society at large) or even about whether sciences and not science in general merit their own history with regional variations. Some of the articles discuss personalities ...
This three-volume collective study presents a comprehensive narrative and critical analysis of the political, economic, social and cultural developments from the early eighteenth century to the emergence of Bangladesh as a nation state. Each volume, with fascinating details and wealth of information, contains a wide range of topics which manifest a new approach to the history of Bangladesh. An attempt has been made here to identify the crucial events and issues ...
Banglapedia, the national encyclopedia of Bangladesh, is a ten-volume reference work took up by the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh in 1998. The goal of this reference tool is to inquire, interpret and integrate the lived experiences and achievements of the people of Bangladesh from ancient times to date.More than 6000 entries, contributed by over twelve hundred writers and specialists, explore all aspects of Bangladesh's past and present. The contributors are ...
The book, Medicinal Plants of Bangladesh with Chemical Constituents and Uses, authored by professor Dr. Abdul Ghani includes a number of scientific articles and discussions on various aspects of medicinal plants. This book offers an unprecedented collection of vital scientific information for herbal medicine practitioners, pharmacologists, drug developers, medicinal chemists, phytochemists, toxicologists and researchers who want to explore the use of plant ...
The main purpose of this book is to introduce flowering plants and flowers of Bangladesh to the readers. The book will be useful for the students of schools and colleges, as well as for researchers engaged in the study of herbal medicine and the people involved in commerce and industry of medicinal plants. About 600 species of flowering plants under 118 families have been described in the book. Description includes habit and habitats of plants, leaves, flowers, ...
The Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh is the first illustrated compendium of all the life forms so far identified in Bangladesh. In 28 volumes it makes an exhaustive inventory of the whole range of plant and animal species in the country. While focusing mainly on the description, habits and habitats of the various species, comments are also made on their economic and ecological significance. Published both in Bangla and English the encyclopedia should ...
The Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh is the first illustrated compendium of all the life forms so far identified in Bangladesh. In 28 volumes it makes an exhaustive inventory of the whole range of plant and animal species in the country. While focusing mainly on the description, habits and habitats of the various species, comments are also made on their economic and ecological significance. Published both in Bangla and English the encyclopedia should ...
Contents: I. The framework: 1. Introduction/Henry Glassie and Firoz Mahmud. 2. Living traditions: a historical background/Firoz Mahmud. 3. Traditional art: a theory for practice/Henry Glassie. 4. Traditional art: a project in Bangladesh/Henry Glassie. 5. Traditional crafts: their history, decline or development/Firoz Mahmud. II. Living traditions in clay: 6. The potter's art/Firoz Mahmud. 7. Terracotta/Firoz Mahmud. III. Living traditions in metal: 8. Metal and ...
The Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh is the first illustrated compendium of all the life forms so far identified in Bangladesh. In 28 volumes it makes an exhaustive inventory of the whole range of plant and animal species in the country. While focusing mainly on the description, habits and habitats of the various species, comments are also made on their economic and ecological significance. Published both in Bangla and English the encyclopedia should ...
The Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh is the first illustrated compendium of all the life forms so far identified in Bangladesh. In 28 volumes it makes an exhaustive inventory of the whole range of plant and animal species in the country. While focusing mainly on the description, habits and habitats of the various species, comments are also made on their economic and ecological significance. Published both in Bangla and English the encyclopedia should ...
The Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh is the first illustrated compendium of all the life forms so far identified in Bangladesh. In 28 volumes it makes an exhaustive inventory of the whole range of plant and animal species in the country. While focusing mainly on the description, habits and habitats of the various species, comments are also made on their economic and ecological significance. Published both in Bangla and English the encyclopedia should ...