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50 books
From the Preface: Bioresources Technology for Sustainable Agriculture is aimed to utilize the current knowledge on the biological resources for sustainable agricultural system. Several leading senior scientists have contributed papers pertaining bioresource utilization. It is time to exploit and utilize the biological resources or biological wealth for the benefit of the human life and welfare. The biological resources are cost effective, efficient, ...
This book, Social Inclusion and Empowerment of Marginalized Communities in India edited by Dr.P.Subba Rao and Dr.B.Siva Rama Krishna of the Center for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy (CSSEIP), is a collection of research papers presented at the National Seminar on "Social Exclusion and Approaches for Inclusive Growth" organized by CSSEIP, Andhra University during March 2011. This volume contains papers that address the issues of Social ...
Indian Scenario has undergone a dynamic and multiple change specially after the Independence. The Insurance sector also taken multy facets. The new economic policies launched on July 24, 1991 have emphasized for privatisation leads to heavy competition in insurance sector. To retain the Human resources in organization best H.R. policies practicing is more important.
The global financial crisis erupted in the USA in mid-2007 spread immediately to the developed economies. Slowly this has creeped into the Emerging Markets Economics in Asia and elsewhere in the world. India could not escape the contagion effect due to its increased pace of globalization for the last two decades. In view of the sound fundamentals of the economy, well regulated financial sector, traditional and well effectively managed banking sector, it was ...
An attempt is made in this book to examine the impact of Micro Finance through SHGs activities on the Socio-Economic Empowerment of tribal women in the Srikakulam District of Andhra Pradesh. Based on the major findings, the study concludes that due to their participation in the SHGs tribal women are able to improve control over their resources, freedom to move and interact, leadership, and reproductive choices, to some extent. This book is multidimensional by its ...
This book has the purpose of presenting an exploration of Sufi mysticism through different religious concepts. The main purpose of the author is to subjugate the amalgamation of mystical consciousness and its ultimate goal is the same to all. The author interprets with many philosophers, saints, thinkers about Sufi mysticism and how they experience an extensive to put forward the message of Communal Harmony. The author deeply concerned about the lslamic Mystics ...