292 books
Writing this book on Indian Policing: Significance of IntelligentLeadership is not author’s aim to make a tall claim of publishing one after one book but to bring some burning, realistic, fangled and innovative ideas before the readers, seekers, researchers, scholars and particularly police officers who are working on the prolonged demand or project of Police Reforms.
This book is an anthology of ten highly qualitative papers which are fully pregnant with ...
Rapes that are too commonplace, and are as ordinary as arrival and departure of trains – are the discussion topics. The book talks of rapes and prostitutes; it talks of hollowness and fakeness of our existences. This is 2016 and still human beings as barbarians move around. Technology, lifestyle and gadgets cannot make us humans. Humans are distinguished by their desires, emotions and ability to think – so, we eat, sleep, drink, have sex, like ...
In this book, an attempt has been made to deal with the study of folklore and the alternative modernities associated with it. The research papers closely examine how folk literature, classical literature and modern literature exchange hands to enrich each other. In the papers, there are well-knit examples from the oral as well as written literatures of different regions of India with a few comparative studies from the world literatures. The volume experiments ...
Health and socioeconomic development are so closely intertwined that is impossible to achieve one without the other. Without health, development is not possible and without development, health is not sustainable. While the economic development in India has been gaining momentum over the last decade, our health system is at crossroads today. Despite the government initiatives in public health, such as well planned medical strategies which are administered under ...
Ernest Hemingway is a great American Novelist. He was one of the greatest living writers of his time. He is known for his adventures fishing bullfighting safari hunting and taking part in war. Hemingway was also an expert in love making and he married four times. He was an affirmative man in thinking though he was aggressive at times. Some critics compare him with Shakespeare. Hemingway lived like a continental man. Like Henry James's fiction his fiction is ...
Locating the Self : Fragmentation and Reconnection in the Plays of Adrienne Kennedy and August Wilson is critical study on the plays of Adrienne Kennedy and August Wilson, two contemporary African playwrights. The plays of Adrienne Kennedy exhibit the tragic situation of black women. The central focus of the playwright is to dramatise the plights of black feminine self in the confusion of images and reflections. The technique of personification, metamorphosis and ...
This book certainly offers you a broad objective, vision, supportive and beneficial outlook towards your home, and enables you to establish a friendly rapport between you and your home. Always remember that your home is your habitat, the abode for peace and bliss, the catalyst for bringing favourable changes of health and fortune, and finally retarding the aging process of your body. So, learn to establish a good rapport and connection with your home, and note ...
The vast ocean of Sanskrit literature is saturated with higher intellectual heights and deeper insights into life and education. The texts abound in reflections on all the aspects of life: Adhibhautika, adhidaivika and adhyatmika. It is the holistic vision of life. These concepts, when understood in their true essence and spirit, can provide a sound philosophical and psychological foundation of education. It is, indeed, a Herculean task to search out the texts ...
Widows are the unfortunate victims of nature and for centuries have been ill treated, facing deprivation, poor economic status, lack of social support, poor health and low education, denial of human rights to food, shelter, clothing and discrimination in relation to work, dignity and participation in the community life.
A study of Hindu widows residing in Vadodara in the year 2001-2002 was conducted with the objectives to study the problems of Hindu widows and ...
Multiculturalism has travelled far away, alluringly from the original concept of limited application and reference to the creative work of the Afro-American writers in USA. India is in the forefront of offering multicultural literature not only on account of her hoary past, but by the indomitable spirit of her resilience, her ability to absorb and radiate salient features of all cultures, and faiths so firmly fused and splendidly harmonised. Very rarely found ...
English poetry in India carries an enormous strength of Indian heritage and culture with genuine Vedic equanimity. Stateliness and a tremendously secular outlook. In evaluating the aptitude of English writing in India during days of growth, one finds a few shades of impact of sensibility not precisely belonging to the native soil. Obviously, nature and subjects of contemporary consciousness with a scrupulous avoidance of controversial social and political aspects ...
Coils of the Serpent is a novel portraying the life of Chandan Mohan, an energetic youth of Danpur village, who grows up in its pastoral surroundings, strives to harmonize its hostile communities, transforms its festering and pot-holed main street into a brick-lined road, initiates the adult education programme, and strenuously endeavours for its all-round progress. Unfortunately, he is constantly threatened by the coils of serpents—both natural and ...
The entire gamut of issues related to urban governance in India in a liberalised world is elaborately described in this book. It narrates the challenges of local governments to govern the mega-cities of India in a rapidly changing atmosphere. It looks at the impact of decentralisation on local governance arrangements and citizen participation in urban development. The role of information technology in facing the challenges of urban governance is also explained in ...
Concept maps or idea maps or graphic organisers can help students organise information and ideas related to a given topic. The goal in using graphic organisers is to organise ideas and examine relationships. This book discusses the use of such graphic organisers as structured overviews, Venn diagrams, story maps, and character analysis charts to help teachers develop analysis, synthesis and evaluation as critical thinking skills and take little time for ...
School psychology has undergone tremendous growth in the Western countries for the last 25 years. Current and future perspectives of school psychology meet the challenges and needs of children in schools. This book is need of the hour to train the teachers in school psychology. Twenty-four papers of eminent scholars have been included to establish studies related to school psychology in India. This book aims to explore the possibilities of current and future ...
Women, who Constitute a sizeable proportion of a country's population, are subjected to gender bias and indignities arising out of the age-old patriarchal tradtion. Despite worldwide evidence of the low levels of female participation in social, educational, economic and political spheres, there is still a tendency not to see it as a real problem. This book is an effort to assess the current size of the gender gap by measuring the extent to which women have ...