Book Faith India

31 books
As this is the final volume of my Message series, it completes a work, which I first set myself to do twenty-five years ago. That work had two objectives, one general, the other special. The former was to carry on a Comparative Study of the great religions of the world by winnowing out their leading ideas and tenets and presenting them in a form and language immediately applicable to our times and surrounding. The special objective was to create, as far as I ...
There are two ways of traveling; one is to cover a long distance in a short time, taking in the general outline of mountain and valley and the most obvious characteristics of the people. The other is to stop, go deeper, strike roots to some extent, and try to imbibe from the soil the invisible sap which nourishes the inhabitants of the place.
It is in the latter style that Fosco Maraini, the Italian explorer has succeeded in conveying every kind of information, ...
In this volume of his exploration Sir Aurel Stein presents the accounts of the vast deserts of Central Asia from 1900 to 1916 during which he was guided principally by the accounts of two earlier travelers Marco Polo and Hsuantsang. He covered more than 25,000 miles on foot and sometimes by ponyback with a force consisting of few Muslims of the Indian survey department with a handful of caravan men and a motley band of local recruits for digging. He unearthed a ...
Armed with these credentials, Sarat Chandra set out for Tashilhunpo in June, 1879, accompanied by lama Ugyen- gyatso, and there he remained for nearly six months, the guest of the Prime Minister, with whose assistance he was able to make a careful examination of the rich collections of books in the great libraries of the convent, bringing back with him to India a large and valuable collection of works in Sanskrit and Tibetan. He also explored during this journey ...
Hindu Sadhana contributes a highly interesting and important work to the literature of Hindu Thought and Religion.
This book presents the practical side of Hindu Philosophy as manifested in the different religious systems of the Hindus. It shows the essential connection between theory and practice, and to point out the true significance of the course of discipline prescribed by the different religious system for the attainment of spiritual realization.
The first ...
A comparative study of Hindu and Buddhist spiritual healing traditions in urban Nepalese society, the book encompasses a full catalogue of methods and materials employed by Kathmandu Valley healers, while including a survey of those frequenting a healer’s practice, the complaints they suffer from and the kind of treatment received. Since witches were still considered the main causative agents of supernatural complaints by the majority of a ...
Mustang lies on the roof of the world north of Nepal and surrounded on three sides by Chinese held Tibet; foreigners were forbidden to enter its territory and virtually nothing was known about its people and their civilization until Michel Peissel obtained permission to make a long stay there. To reach the walled capital, Lo Mantang, his small caravan of yaks and porters had to make their way fifteen days across the Himalayas. In Mustang he found a mediaeval ...
The 42 articles in this book introduce the reader to the myths and realities, problems and prospects of Nepal. The contributors, who are acknowledged scholars, researchers, and public-interest observers from different countries, have in-depth knowledge of Nepal from their own work and experience in the country. Insider knowledge, new research findings, as well as opinions and evaluations of history, status quo and potential future scenarios concerning Nepal are ...
Inner Asia, with its towering mountain ranges and seemingly unending deserts and steppes, has always been an endless lure to the explorer and traveller. This work compiles invaluable records and a mine of information collected by the remarkable expedition conducted for five years through the various countries of Central Asia. It opens for the scientific world new knowledge of the history and contemporary life of that region of the Roof of the world, which is of ...
A true cultural heritage of the Tamang Thakali lies buried in the dilapidating clan shrines, Bon shrines, Buddhist and Bon dKar Lamaist, Gompas, Kaka-ni, Mani walls, Choten, Kangyur chapel and holy frescoes which can still be encountered in profusion along the ancient Salt Route of the Upper Kali Gandaki Region in western Nepal. The religious, cultural and economic dominance of Tibet helped the Tamang Thakali transform their tribal existence into a highly ...
Yoga, the science of enlightenment, has become popular all over the world. Nearly everyone appears o know yoga. Nothing has spread so quickly in the last half century as yoga. This interest must have been initially inspired by the publication of the Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda both in India and the United States. It is the story of a young boy who was inspired to become a renunciant, to follow the spiritual path. Eventually being ...
This book is a reprint of a long out-of-print classic anthropological study of the shamans of Nepal. With the introduction of western medicine and so-called modern amenities, this is a fascinating account of a traditional way of life that is slowly disappearing in the Himalayan kingdom. Spirit possession, magic, witchcraft and occult healing ceremonies are still daily realities in the villages of Nepal. Who are the people who deal with these realities on behalf ...
In these days when human society is invaded as never before by sinister waves of materialism and selfish aggrandisement both individual and national, Buddhism seems to hold out teachings of highest promise. The writings of A Buddhist Bible show the unreality of all conceptions of a personal ego. Their purpose is to awaken faith in the Buddhahood as being one's true self-nature; to kindle aspiration to realise one's true Buddha nature; to energise effort to follow ...
Visitors to Nepal, particularly Westerners, may find the large pantheon of gods and goddesses worshipped in this tiny Himalayan country by Hindus, Buddhists and animists bewildering. Therefore, we have attempted this small book as a guide to the predominant religious iconography in the Himalayan kingdom. It is by no means exhaustive, nor is it an attempt to explicate the whys and wherefores of religious belief. Some people may be put off by what they consider to ...