Buddhist World Press

71 books
The book titled "Buddhist Doctrine and Philosophy" resembles a mirror that reflects some outline of the most important and demanding topic on the academic study of Buddhism, subsuming both Busshist doctrine and Philosophy. The aforesaid term applies to both the traditional and scientific studies. It also applies to the acasemic field, which is a subset of religious studies, and is distinct from Buddhist Philosophy or Buddhist theology. Hence. Busshist ...
The Abhidharmakosa is one of the most important and influential Psycho-metaphysical literatures of Buddhisum which was composed by the well-known early Buddhologist Vadubandhu (4th/5th century CE.). Vasubandhu was born into a Brahim family of ancient Indian province of Gandhara (Peshawar of modern Pakistan), He became a Buddhist Bhikku in Sarvastivada School of Buddhism. He studied Vaibhasika Abhidharma in Kashmir and at the conclusion of his studies, Vasubandhu ...
The text titled "Indo-Tibetan Literature" contains the Hindi and English translations of seven literatures-- one from Kagyur, three from Tengyur and three from Sungbum (collected worked by Tibetan scholars). The credit of making the literatures avilable goes to the Tibetan scholars. It is because og their enthusiastic and altruistic efforts that the Kagyur and Tengyur are preserved so excellent way till date. Each one of the literature is very ...
Arya Sura’s Jatakamala has been written in Sanskrit and translated into German, English and Hindi but is not compared with Pali-Jatakas. The present book is first of its kind which critically compares Sanskrit Jatakamala with Pali – Jatakas. Arya Sura wrote only thirty-four Jatakas in Sanskrit; out of this only four Jatakas are exclusively different from Pali-Jatakas.
The present volume briefly narrates Pali-Jatakas and compares them with Sanskrit ...
This was originally published in penang in 1935 , as a collection of Bhikkhu Kashyap ‘s lectures delivered at the Chinese Buddhist Association, as a booklet under the title of Buddha Dhmma . It was translated into French by Miss G. Constant Lounsbery of les Amis du Bouddhisme, paris to be used as a text book for their Buddhist lasses. It was also translated into German and Vitenamese. A revised shortened edition of it was published under its present title, ...
This book is an account of identity of a community that has successfully withstood displacement and adapted itself to a country where the majority of people they deal with are distinct from them in racial, cultural, linguistic and religious terms. At a time when Europe grappling with the problem of refugee influx, this book shows how a community negotiates and creates a space for itself in an alien land. The journey since 1959, when his Holiness the Dalai Lama, ...
Nalanda is the first book of its kind prepared on nearly all the important aspects of Nalanda Sources, History, Education, Religion and Philsophy. Art, Iconography, Architecture etc. It Excels all other such publications in this respect. A peep into his book means a pilgrimage to all the leading centres of Magadhan an India Art. It gives a graphic picture of the conditions of Buddhist as it prevailed in Eastern India from beginning to end.
This monumental book is ...
The Present book "Buddhist Art: Sanchi to Early Mathura" deals with the development, adaption and changes from Sunga art style froms (including the art style of Bharhut, Sanchi Stupa No. II and other contempoary sites) with special reference to stupa No. I of sanchi to early Kusana art of Mathura.
So far no serious research work has been conducted in this direction particularly on Transitional phase of Sunga art to early Kusana art of Mathura, the ...
This publication (in two volumes and four parts) unfolds the Buddhist transformation of the Ramayana, known as the Phra Lak Phra Lam or the Rama Jataka in Laos. The Laotian text is based on careful collating of six parallel palm-leaf manuscripts available in different monasteries of Laos. Its English translation and critical studies have been carried out in a broader comparative perspective rooted in socio-linguistic and cultural anthropology. For Indian studies ...
The volume deals with the Shakya disciples of the Buddha: their teachings and lives. It discusses various aspects of the life of Shakya disciples (bhikkus and bhikkunis) in a simple manner. Referring to literature in Tibetan, Sanskrit, Chinese, Pali, Nepalese among others and Buddhist literature including dynastic records and religious texts. It begins by taking up the republics that existed at the time of the Buddha in the northern Indian region. It is concerned ...
The twenty-five papers presented at an international seminar organised by the Centre for Buddhist studies, Visva Bharati, Santiniketan deal with contemporary topics in Buddhist studies. The papers in English, Hindi and Tibetan delve into Buddhism in Bangladesh, Buddhist meditation in the twenty-first century and Nikaya Buddhism in South-east Asia. They look into the scope of Pali and Buddhist Studies in Bangladesh, Ceylon and India and reception of Buddhism and ...
On the basis of presentations at a seminar, the volume presents articles on the bhikkuni samgha in Buddhism: the bhikkuni samgha in the past in India and bhikkuni samgha of different communities. The thirty-one articles view the concept of bhikkuni in Buddhism and bhikkuni samgha as an organisation of Buddhist women for socio-spiritual service. They discuss the eight chief rules for the bhikkuni in Buddhism and precepts of social intercourse for a bhikkuni in the ...
In the Ancient Hindu society the system of ashramas had great significance. The Hindu Philosophers regarded the worldly as well as transcendental life of man as of equal importance but always preferred the latter. According to the perception of the thinkers the true aim of life is no indulge in sensuousness ad worldly enjoyment but to seek salvation by following the spiritual truth and living a pure chaste and sinless life.
The human life has multifarious facets ...
The original Buddhist teaching have been compiled in a language called Pali, a kind of “Prakrti” or the people’s language, which in turn was the lingua franca of a large part of the Indian sub-continent and thrived in juxtaposition with the Sacred Vedic Languages or perhaps, even prior to the composition of the Vedic texts. Needles to state that the people’s languages, Collectively called “Prakrti”, eventually evolved into most ...
The conversion of Asoka (273 - 232 B. C.) to Buddhism was an important turning point in the history of Buddhism. He launched a vigorous campaign of preaching the teachings of the Buddha and sent missionaries even to the foreign countries. The first neighbouring country to accept Buddhism during the reign of Asoka was Sri Lanka. From there, Buddhism spread in due course to other countries in South-East Asia. Buddhism reached China in the first century A. D. From ...
This book, running into two volumes, seeks to examine the different aspects of Buddhist studies. Volume One re-examines historical personalities like Bimbisara, Ajatashatru, Pushyamitra Sunga and Asoka. It also goes deep into the history of Chalukyas and discusses in detail the historical movement in Therigatha, spread of Buddhism in India from 6th century BC to 7th century ACE, Pali language and its exposition, three Buddhist Councils, edicts of King Asoka, ...