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Intellectual Property Rights IPR has virtually touched all spheres of human lives including social cultural economic and technical areas and is fast becoming a tool for the national development in the context of globalization of trade and commerce and emerging knowledge world order. In this context, developing countries have many challenges to face while evolving their own IP systems in order to satisfy their public policy needs and developmental goals. These ...
Papers presented at the International Conference on 'South-South Cooperation for Technology Transfer and Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)', held at Negombo during 18-22 August 2008.
Papers presented at the International Workshop on "Cleaner Production and Energy Conservation for Sustainability", held at Kochi during 24-26 June 2008.
The increasing population pressure and demand for a better life style have led to a greater use of energy resulting in escalating pressures on the use of available resources leading to a negative balance in the equilibrium of process source depletion and replenishment by natural processes, which is posing a challenge for healthy survival of life.Biodiversity is the variation of life forms of plants and animals within a given ecosystem which extends from millions ...