44 books
India is a veritable emporium of essential oil bearing plants. It is one of the few countries in the world where aromatic plants of all types can be cultivated in one or the other areas of the country because of the vast areas and the climatic conditions varying from the torrid to frigid zones, embracing various tracts of tropical and temperate plains, hills, valleys, irrigated soils, moist and dry climates. The important aspects of essential oil is aromatherapy ...
The wide range concepts of Kriya Shareera are dealt here in a rational and sincere manner which will be useful for the student for academic purpose and for clinical purpose too. All topics are made suitable for the reader for the better understanding of Kriya Shareera concepts. All the essentials Shlokas regarding all the topics related to Kriya Shareera are included. Various tabulation and other representative techniques for the easy & better understanding ...
This book covers almost all possible topics related to manas described in ayurvedic texts and it is especially written keeping in mind the CCIM curriculum for undergraduate and postgraduate scholars of Kriya Sharira. This book is written in very simplified form and is divided into ten chapters and each chapter is unique and well presented. This book will not only help the scholars to explore the concept of manas but also apply it in their clinical practice.
All topics are made concise & suitable for the reader during examination. The book is divided into four sections. 1st section comprises essentials shlokas regarding all the topics related to kriya sbareera. 2nd section consist of various tabulation and other representative techniques for the easy & better understanding of various topics related to ayurvedic part of kriya shareera. The 3rd section consists of List of references available regarding the ...
The present book is basically intended for the Under Graduate student of Ayurveda studying in 3rd year B.A.M.S. Arrangement of chapter in this text book of Swasthavritta according to syllabus of Central Council Indian Medicine New Delhi. Important references for Bruhatrayis and Laghutrais and some relevant books like Upanished, Varaha Samhita have been collected. Yoga chapter includes references from Patanhali Yoga Sutra, Hathayoga Pradipika, shiva Samhita and ...
Saharsayogam is enjoying the status of Ayurvedic Practical Prescriber among Kerala Ayurvedic Physicians. The public of Kerala also keeps this book with them and considers it as the book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies. 'Sahasrayogam' means one thousand formulations, and on a rough estimate it appears that the number of formulations vary from 700 to 1200 in various versions. It also appears that some more formulations have been added periodically to the original text ...
The volume presents an essential text on panchakarma, a branch of kayachikitsa in Ayurveda. A practical guide for professionals, that is, Ayurveda practitioners, as well as academicians and beginners, the volume offers the fundamentals of panchakarma and bio-purification theory, explaining the need, significance and practical considerations vis-à-vis the latter. There is a chapter on therapeutic panchakarma giving panchakarma therapy in detail with respect ...
The book contains an analysis of ancient Indian law in twenty one chapters. From the first chapter to fourth chapter concept of law and legal procedure are vividly discussed. From the fifth chapter to seventeenth chapter various subjects relating to debt, adoption, trade and commerce, community organization etc., are critically analysed. From the eighteenth chapter to twentieth chapter a comparative study of law of inheritance according to Kautilya and ...
This book presents a vivid description about the various anemia and Pandu Roga as described in their specific literatures collectively, and then tries to bring out the hidden scientific attitude and temperament of Ayurveda by describing about the various researches on this topic.
Logical explanations to the various Ayurvedic concepts have been given and the matter has been tried to be put in a simplified manner so that the book may prove useful for even the ...
The book gives a vivid account of Ayurvediya Kriya Sharira in a lucid language throwing enough new light on the current scientific validity of the unique holistic and pro nature approaches of Ayurveda to the understanding of the Ayurvedic physiology. Ayurvedic biology at large is based on its own three dimensional consideration integrating body, mind and the spirit in one sweep- “Sattwamatma Shariram cha trayam etat tridandawat”. Such a consideration ...
The present work has been evolved with certain deliberate purposes:1) placing Ayurveda in a proper format to the international community which increasingly support and utilize alternative and pre-modern medical systems 2) presenting various themes and factors of Ayuveda under a single cover so that students could acquire needful and meaningful insights into its diverse disciplines and 3) presenting the classical Ayurveda to the lay readers who are interested in ...
This book is exclusively for M D entrance exams, UPSC entrance exams (for Medical Officer post, Research Officer) quick review for 2nd BAMS and 3rd BAMS students. This guide includes Importance of Charaka Samita Importance of Chikitsa Sthana Important numerical data of Charaka Samhita Commentaries & commentators name Important critical notes with references Important Shloka with references Schematic representation of types, symptoms, line of treatment ...