Chaukhambha Visvabharati

39 books
This book is a basic book indented as a course supplement of students of B.A.M.S., M.D., Medical officers and practitioners of Ayurveda. This text book describes all the vital topics related to practical part both Ayurveda and Modern, related to Vikruti Vigyan and Roga Nidan, Kayachikista-I, Shareer Kriya-2 practical part.
This text book covers both Clinical and Laboratory diagnosis of the diseases. It is the book written in English which include chapters like ...
This book is the basic book indented as a course supplement to students of B.A.M.S, M.D, Medical officers and Practitioners of Ayurveda. This text book describes all the vital topics related to Vikruti Vigyan and Roga Vigyan and Kayachikitsa paper-1. This text book covers both clinical and Laboratory diagnosis of the disease. It is the book written in English which includes new chapters like Sushurtokta Dwadasha Pariksha, Concept of Agni, Astoumahagada, ...
Ayurveda is now universal and has spread to every corner of the world necessitating the publication of important Ayurveda texts with English translation. The big trio and the small triobrhatrayi and laughtrayi are important and popular workds of Ayurveda. Caraka Samhita, susruta Samhita and Astanga Hrdaya are called brhatrayi. These classic works deal in detail with the fundamental principles, philosophical background and theoretical aspects of ayurveda and among ...
There are three major treatises called Brihatrayee and three minor treatises called Laghutrayee. Charaka Samhita, Susruta Samhita and Ashtanga Hridaya are Called Brihatrayee. Amang Brihatrayee, Charaka Samhita specifically contributed not only on fundamentals of ayurveda but also in giving treatment. Few of the contributions of Charaka Samhita were specifically discussed in this book. TI will be very useful to the students, teachers and scholars in understanding ...
This book mainly deals about the practicability of Panchakarma in more Panchakarma are dealt in very effective manner. Materials required, details of the procedure, various medicines used and its clear indications are highlighted. These are the standard procedures which we follow in our hospital as a routine is explained. Text mainly deals about the poorvakarmas of panchakarma and pradhana panchakarmas in clinically effective manner. It will definitely serve the ...
All the references of Prasuti-tantra mentioned in various contexts and the ailments commonly encountered by obstetricians in day to day practice have been compiled in this comprehensive text.
• All the references of Brhatrayis and Laghutrayiis with their respective commentaries.
• All references from Garbha Upanisad, Yogaratnakara, Bhela Samhita, Harita Samhita .
• Relevant references from Amarkosa, Sabdakalpadruma, Bhagwadgita, Arthasastra, ...
Caraka Sarnhita (Volume I Sutra Sthana) English translation of text with Ayurveda Dipika commentary by Cakrapani Datta. Editor/ translator Prof. P.V.Tewari.
Caraka Samhita oldest treatise of Ayurveda describes not only Ayurveda, rather has dealt with all other aspects related to human psychosomatic health i.e. philosophy, sociology and religion including medical ethics etc. Luminaries of Ayurveda of this era have deliberated upon the treatise from different ...
The Leech Application in Ayurveda is a original research work of augmenting various original topics related to the types Leeches. Compounds of leech saliva, therapeutic uses with its specific indications. A thorough attempt was made to compile the original classical information by rearranging the vast and varied material keeping Ayurveda in the limelight and as well as made easy for easy understanding of the contents to the contemporary generations. The ...
A unique book with a new approach in understanding Child health care of Aayurveda in the light of Modern Advances. In each topic comparative Modern Advances to the extent necessary are given along with Aayurvedic Concepts both at one place. Basics of Aayurveda like Tanmaatraas, Panchamahabhootaas etc. have been presented in a scientific understandable way with the help of Modern Science. Principles of Aayurvedic Neonatal resuscitation have been compared with ...
In the earlier manuscripts and publications, chapter wise distribution is done. Here in this translation work, for the first time, it is alienated into different chapters, placing the relative information o the similar disease under one heading.
Some of the unique diseases mentioned in this text are drishti jwara, Mala jwara, Kheda jwara, kapila jwara, bhasmavikshepa jwara, tripada jwara, pingaksha jwara, mahodara jwara, jwaladwigraha jwara, tarunya kaleena ...
This book is the basic book indented as a course supplement to students of B.A.M.S, M.D, Medical officers and Practitioners of Ayurveda. This text book describes all the vital topics related to Vikruti Vigyan and Roganidana and Kayachikitsa paper-1. This text book covers both clinical and Laboratory diagnosis of the disease. It is the book written in English which includes new chapters like Sushurtokta Dwadasha Pariksha, Concept of Agni, Astoumahagada, ...
Sangyaharan-Anaesthesia is a born for Surgery. It is a well know fact that surgery was at peak of its glory during the ‘Sushruta’ period. As we find the details of surgical procedures in Sushruta Samhita but only a few references are available regarding Sangyaharan. The references are available regarding Sangyaharan. The references mentioned in Sushruta Samhita reflect that Sangyaharan was certainly existed. Keeping in view these points our ...
This book tries to examine the different aspects of medical ethics in Ayurveda. Giving a brief account of modern medical ethics and socio-religious customs of Indian society, it elaborates on those ethics which moulds the personality of a disciple of Ayurveda into a great physician. It discusses at length the method of education, teacher-student relationship, social behaviour of disciples and practical training of surgical procedures on various models.
It also ...
Netra Prakashika is one of the rarest books on ancient Indian expertise in the diagnosis and management of 100 eye diseases. It is divided into three major sections.
The fundamentals
The diseases of eye
The management of these diseases
The first section consists of eight chapters to explain the fundamentals, of eye anatomy, its neurological connections and the karmaja causes of eye diseases, the favorable and harmful factors, the external and internal etiological ...
This book makes a conceptual study of Krimi and Krimi Roga as discussed in ancient Indian tradition—the Ayurveda. Presenting a detailed account of Krimi available in Vedic and Ayurvedic literature, it discusses at length the etiology, habitat, morphological characters and clinical features of various Krimis. It also deals with the diagnostics of Krimi Roga, along with the principles of its treatment.
Finally, it reflects on a comparative understanding of ...
The New Syllabus of Salakya Tantra is formulated after brain storming sessions to revive Salakya Tantra. It is aimed at training the students in basic concepts of ayurveda to manage the present day diseases of the eye.
According to Revised Syllabus for B.A.M.S Course by C.C.I.M., New Delhi.
‘Manasa Prakriti’ a unique concept of Ayurveda plays a pivotal role in understanding the individual. Measures to maintain health and methods to manage diseases should be advised after the evaluation of ‘Manasa Prakriti’. More emphasis is given for shareerika prakriti’ in day to day practice, but the subtle and important ‘Manasa Prakriti’ is concealed till today. In the present work Concept of Manas with all its ...