Christian World Imprints

130 books
Who is Dalit? Who is Christ for Dalit? This book tries to answer these two pertinent questions. Dalit, etymologically, is a condition of brokenness and strive for wholeness. Thus, the term Dalit gives a wider prospect to see the people who are broken and motivated to be whole from their indefinable oppressions. In this broken experience, the early Christian community/church, who was broken by the rod of Grecian cultural hegemony, Roman imperial regime and Jewish ...
A Postcolonial Reading of Acts of the Apostles' reads Acts as an early Christian story that accommodated and disrupted, almost simultaneously, both the Roman colonial and the native Jewish nationalistic discourses of power. It shows how the early Christians created a space for themselves in-between and beyond those two polar opposite spaces; and how they grew, expanded and eventually erased those spaces of power.
This reading of the Acts has a greater relevance ...
Christian Engagement in Social Change: The Role of Theological Education' is a collection of reflections from authors from a variety of Indian Christian backgrounds in a context where Christian participation in the public sphere is becoming a great concern. Challenging the perspectives, including those by Christians, which continue to harbor discourses that isolate `religion' from other aspects of life and that have the dangerous potential for leading to ...
This book comprises a study and analysis of the causes for rejection of Christianity among the Meiteis in Manipur valley. The upshot of the research is that there are three causes for this rejection, i.e., Sanskritisation; Revival of traditional religion and British colonialism in Manipur, and goes on to examine these in detail. Christianity was brought to the Meiteis in 1894. Yet out of approximately 1.3 million Meiteis in Manipur valley alone, there are today ...
As Christian theology envisions `imago Christi' to be the horizon of human becoming, a Christian anthropology needs to be grounded in Christology. This book argues that Christology is pivotal for an intercultural reading of the human and divine relationship. Bringing up to speed the insights from Friedrich Schleiermacher's understanding of the "Perfection and Blessedness" and Raimond Panikkar's understanding of the ‘Fullness of Man’, the ...
The privilege of participation in God's Mission of "Reconciling the world unto Himself" (2 Cor 5:19) has been entrusted to the Church, a community of believers in Jesus Christ. Hence, to participate in God's Mission, the Church in India has to re-discover her relevance in the ever changing religious, cultural and social resurgent context. In order to do this, the Church should be mindful of resources received from Vedic, Dalit and Western ...
The book explores the aspects of identity, mission and community in the Johannine resurrection narrative. Identity is defined in terms of Family of God, which is distinct from the divine family (the Father, the Son and the Spirit) and the earthly family. The Family of God, made possible through the work of the Father, the Son and the Spirit, transcends earthly categories and identities. It ushers a new set of relationships for the community where God becomes the ...
The subaltern methodology has exerted a great impact in the field of current theology and hermeneutics. Its achievements and advantages are so numerous that no one can deny its significance in contemporary theological developments. This book is a critique on Raymond Panikkar's theology of trinity from the subaltern perspective. It analyses to what extent Panikkar is inclined to Brahmanic Hinduism and why he had more propensity towards Hinduism. The work, ...
It is observed from history and contemporary society that humans are religious animals or spiritual creatures. But the complexity and variety of religious life have made even the most sophisticated studies wanting. Identification of different dimensions of religious life has helped but its enumeration and analysis remain inconclusive. The recognition and study of a new variety such as quasi religion and implicit religion calls for exploring newer forms with ...
The book presents the life, period and writings of Thiruvalluvar, the great Dravidian Saint and Philosopher. His writings are known as Thirukkural, a great Dravidian literature, which is incomparable with any other writings.
The author asserts that in comparison with the Bible, the Quran and other worldly scriptures; Thirukkural preach a Universal code of life and conduct. The basis for its immortal and universal appeal is to be seen in its secular character, ...
The Church is defined in terms of models. None of the existing models of the Church have incorporated ecological concerns into it's theological framework. Therefore, there is a lack of a model of the Church that incorporates ecological concerns of the time. `The Green Model of the Church' fills a lacuna in Catholic ecclesiology. It is an appropriate theological response to the ecological crisis of our times.
In other words, the book is an attempt to read the ...
Tracing the concept of `being saved' from the book of Acts to various missiological conversations on biblical salvation, this book investigates into a missiological soteriology, focusing on the question of who is saved and who is not. On the same topic, a case study was conducted among the Mizo Baptist Missionaries to find out their viewpoints on the Christian concept of salvation, especially in relation to the unevangelized. The findings have added rich local ...
The book `An Introduction to Wesleyan Theology' is an attempt to bring the understanding of Wesleyan theology from different aspects and its growth from beginning to the present day context. This is more or less based on the Serampore syllabus for better understanding of the Wesleyan Theology. It tries to survey the earlier and contemporary understanding of Wesleyan Theology and brings its relevance for contextual theological developments. This book is an outcome ...
This book examines the different interpretations of the understanding of illness, health and healing by the Biblical (Old Testament) Prophets in order to address the issues related to these concepts in our contemporary context.
The prophetic literatures of the pre-exilic, exilic and post-exilic times were corrective, subversive alternative to the pre-dominant idea that health and healing were something very physical. However, the prophetic understanding corrected ...
The book is meant to provide theological and exegetical answers to various questions like: Does prophecy continue today? Does the New Testament indicate the cessation of all prophecy in the post-apostolic church? Does the continuation of prophecy today challenge and undermine the sufficiency of Scripture? Does prophecy continue in the form of preaching and teaching today? What was prophecy like in the New Testament Church? Is there a connection between prophecy ...
Christianity being a universal religion is an integral part of India's history. The author traces the beginnings of this history from the earliest efforts of Christian missionaries, the peoples' response, and brings this narrative to more recent times.
The book is related to the importance of national unity & development, and Christianity in union with the nation. In this attempt, one has to adopt a new methodological paradigm reversing the traditional ...
The present book is about the contribution and role of women leaders in the growth and development of Indian Churches in general and Assemblies of God Church in particular. The author argues that though women constitute the major precinct in the Assemblies of God Church and are actively involved in all Church related activities and developments; their contributions are taken lightly by the male historians. Their roles, functions and contributions are not recorded ...
This book exposes the discriminations suffering of Pandur Dalits in Tamilnadu and how the Leipzig Evangelical Missionaries helped them to overcome their situations. The Leipzig Evangelical Lutheran Mission (LELM) was a major mission in Pandur near Chennai. Pandur is intimately associated with Rev. Johannes Kabis who came to India in 1877. Pandur has been a thriving Christian centre for decades with a strong Christian congregation, Church and several ...
The book is meant to investigate the preaching of the gospel of God as Paul's mission to the nations in the letter to the Romans. The work begins with an explanation of the topic and its importance in the mission context, which sets the stage for the main body of the book.
As evidence to this purpose, this work first explores the epistolary frame of the letter and contends that Paul basically had a missionary purpose for writing the Romans. The letter opening and ...
Soliloquies in Solitude' is an analytical commentary on the P. Solomon Raj's verse in his Nineties. A globally reputed artist and theologian, propounding incarnation of the Gospel in Indian culture, Solomon's poetry as a nonagenarian continues to be a sharp tool of expression of Christian Faith and Living vis-a-vis his present poetry pregnant with Indigenous Philosophizing. Having done extensive research on the art and poetry of Solomon Raj, it is commendable ...
The Sixteenth Century Reformation is considered as next to the introduction of Christianity for its impact on the life of the Church and society as a whole. For Reformation in general, and Luther in particular, directly or indirectly provided an immense impulse and a propelling force to every forward movement towards modern world and human civilization. Even five hundred years after, Luther's theological challenges and the spirit of Reformation continue to ...
In the ever changing topography of social and geo-political realities both in India and abroad, it becomes pertinent to ascertain the nature and the presence of the Church in the world. It is even more appropriate at this juncture as there is a renewed affirmation of the role of the Reformation that took place 500 years ago in the ongoing life and witness of the Church. In order to commemorate this celebration CISRS organized a national ecumenical consultation ...
This book is an introduction to the interface of science and religion. It includes a wide range of subjects related to science and religion, such as, scientific explanations of the universe; scientific discoveries in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; theories on the origin of the universe; philosophy and sociology of science with the highlights on the contributions of some of the philosophers and sociologists of science. It also covers areas like historical ...
Through the lens of a Christian minister, immersed in the global interfaith movement and trained in the discipline of religious philosophy, this book develops a social ethic that is based on function. By using the concept of a functional paradigm, the book explores the way religious language works to create subjective mental states. These mental states represent various degrees of truth for the adherents, but due to their subjective nature, the truths cannot be ...