Concept Publishing Company

786 books
Since the Industrial Revolution the Environmental impact of economic activities have far exceeded the regenerative capacities of earth's ecosystems, resulting in degradation of environment which poses a serious threat to our own existence. We need to understand innovative approach for enhance material with less resource use for achieving sustainable development. In the present book, the contributors have put in serious research work to cover a wide range of ...
Decentralization is a global phenomenon and it is operationalized by the governments depending on the requirements of the county. In India, only after enacting the 73rd and 74th Amendment to the Constitution of India, India became rarely a representative democracy. It has transformed the very character of our democracy from representative to representative and participatory democracy. Indian democracy is always a paradox as it is in short in quality long in ...
The book deals with Climate Change and its impacts on Natural Resources particularly land and water resources of climate sensitive of Rajasthan. This book reviews divergent views on Climate Change issues at global, national and regional levels. There is no doubt that the earth has been witnessing climate changes during geological history. However, anthropogenic forces have out competed natural forces particularly after industrial revolution. The book addresses ...
This English version of Acharya Nagrajji's book ‘Agama aur Tripitaka: Ek Anusilana’ presents an exhaustive study of the Agama, also known as Ganipitaka of the Jains and the Tripitaka of the Buddhists, putting together some common topics. The author has tried his best to safeguard the diction of this work from the niceties of a pure literary work on the one hand and of dull philosophy on the other. For this work Acharya Nagrajji was awarded D.Litt. by ...
The aim of the research was to study the status of political participation of Muslim women in two culturally different settings in the States of Karnataka in the South and Uttar Pradesh in the North and understand the views of the Muslim community on religious restrictions, if any, on the political participation of Muslim women. Do the Indian Muslim women have political aspirations? Do they fight elections; as nominees of political parties or as independents? ...
Ethical theories are exalted principles of morals meant for guiding practical life, but more often than not many such theories seem to be inapplicable or difficult to apply in actual life situations. To deal with this predicament, Professor P. K. Mohapatra comes up with the view that ethical theories are objective but defeasible and pleads for their justified violation under adequately demanding situations.
Mohapatra's view is being widely discussed and debated. ...
In this book “Sir Syed, Aligarh Muslim University and National Politics” it has been attempted to write a descriptive, analytical and critical account of the educational and political history of the Aligarh Muslim University. While touching the life sketch of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, it has been very widely discussed that the followers of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan were actively engaged in boosting the AMU, ameliorating the position of the Muslims and equally ...
The primary goal of economic development in developing economies is to promote higher standard of living of the masses. A number of issues are throwing-up enormous challenges presently in the path towards development of developing economies like India. The present volume consisting of seventeenth papers highlights some contemporary key developmental issues in India. The papers included in this volume address with analytical rigour some important issues in India ...
Urbanization, man's best achievement, forming a very small fraction of human history/existence on this earth, has gone through a series of transformations affected by various forces which are assessed in this book. As the time-gap in the succession of different phases of transformation has lessened, the mid-twentieth century marks a watershed in the course of urbanization both in its regional spread as well as in sharpening the 'urban divide', propelled by ...
The present book is a comprehensive document which sincerely attempt at not only the present position and status of women and improving their place in the society, as an active contributor towards economically viable projects, but also as an integral force in propelling the workforce of rural, less privileged women to the forefront of our economy, to an acceptable and respected place in the social and political structure of the country.
It also describes about ...
Educational institutions in general and more particularly the higher learning institutions are in deep crises. Everyone expects that reform has to be initiated only by the centre and state governments. To address the problems a new policy framework is evolved. But it has not crossed the tables of the critiques. Political executive and policy community have to play a crucial role in reforming this sector. There is no second opinion on the above argument. But lot ...
This book titled “Technology for Transforming Education-Emerging Trends and Issues” is a collection of 14 chapters illuminating the various aspects of use of technology in education and the extent up to which technology is transforming the teaching-learning process in twenty-first century. This book covers the vast issues like concept of smart classroom, role of multimedia in teaching and learning, use of assistive technology for children with ...
The book throws light on important dimensions of tribal development and discontent among the tribes who are living in the south-eastern sub-region of east-west part of Uttar Pradesh. It includes the whole Sonbhadra district and adjoining subdivisions of Mirzapur and Chandauli, Allahabad and Chitrakoot. The area is contiguous with tri-junction of the vast country’s tribal region lying in Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh. They have emerged as the ...
This book is a manifestation of our thoughts, feelings and compassion for street children who have been always under drudgery, exploitation and violence from various dimensions without any time. Keeping this as a perspective we carried out this particular empirical study to show their plights and sufferings of life which are unspeakable and inexplicable. All information were collected through two sets of interview schedule- one for the children and other for the ...
Sociology of Gender, in recent times, has emerged as one of the most leading branches of Sociology. The concept of gender developed under the parameters of sociological discourse influences not only the sociologists and other academicians of related social sciences, but also economists, political scientists and even the politicians and policy-makers.
The discourse on gender has developed the concept of gender into a perspective which can be used to explore and ...
Haddon’s History of Anthropology (1910) has been the first effort of this kind to give an outline of the developments in the discipline up to that period. The 1934 edition, which has been followed here was completely revised by Haddon. For Haddon, the scope of anthropology is spread in three major subdivisions: Human Biology, Cultural Anthropology (Ethnology) and Ethnography. This book has these three main sections which are again distributed into ...
Parenting the world over is a task that parents assume automatically on the basis of their experiences starting from their own childhood and/or the things learned from the repertoire of knowledge available from the modern scholarship in the field of parent-child relations. Parenting is not an easy task, nor is it a one-way process from parent to the child. In India the family group is widespread and consists of many types of relatives who contribute to the ...
The chapters in this volume represent the psychological and sociological perspectives of health and illness. The text is broadly divided into four sections: Health cognitions; Health care and health initiatives; Mental health and mental illness and Health challenges. The chapters in the first section discuss aspects related to illness severity, health beliefs and illness representations. The second section focusses on alternative health care systems, health ...
There are many social problems in India that have arisen due to various reasons. The book Social Problems in India is a helpful volume detailing the social problems that plague India and their causes. It is a critical analysis of the situation in the country from a sociological viewpoint.
Some of the problems covered in this edition are Combating Corruption, State, Law and Domestic Violence Against Women, Student Radicalism, Healthcare Facilities, Corruption in ...
Among the various sustainable livelihood programmes designed for the overall development of the tribal people of the country, watershed development programme which started in the early 1990s is one of the important programmes. In this programme a lot of money has been invested by various funding agencies for the holistic growth of the stakeholders particularly in rainfed areas.
This book minutely analysed the pros and cons of the watershed development programmes ...
Among all branches of anthropology, social-cultural anthropology occupies its special status. It is so because it is concerned with the social-cultural customs, practices, institutions, associations and communities of people residing in different parts of the globe. It also makes us aware of ethos, edos, exotic customs and traditions of the people of world communities. The book covers such topics as:
1. Anthropology and its main branches. 2. Basic concepts of ...