Showing all 4 books
The present work is the results of Fifteen years intimate aquaintance with the Oraons, including three years special inquiries about their customs and usages. The Oraons are spread over such a large track of the Chota Nagpur plateau that local variations of the customs recorded in this book necessarily occur. And as with advancing civilization old customs, habits, ideas and beliefs are now in a process of transformation, decay or disappearance, all the customs ...
The object of this book is to supply the want of a history and ethnography of one of the most interesting of Chota Nagpur tribes. A history of the Mundas is practically a history of the district they inhabit. Infortunately, however, it is only from the beginning of British rule that we have perfectly reliable materials for a history of the people and their country.
Development is a process which has always been a matter of opinions among the experts of various fields. In case of social sciences, experiences, with the passage of time, demand changes in social development strategy specially when one is dealing with a complex issue like tribal development. The book covers almost all aspects of tribal development, including past, present and future strategies. It is also true that varied tribal cultural traits in India do not ...