Buddhism, like other religions of the world , owed much of its expansion to the patronage of several rulers in India extended to the religion for its progress. The book gives for the first time a chronological account of the patronage of Buddhism in ancient India by kings and clans from the period of the Buddha’s ministration to that of the extinction of the Gupta dynasty. Being based on a close study of original sources, the book presents in detail a living ...
The antiquity of writing in India can be traced back to the still undeciphered ideo-or pictograms on the seals and sealings of the Indus Civilization . Between this and the prolific rock and pillar engravings of Asoka in the Brahmi script there is a gaping hiatus of a millennium and more in the history of writing in India. What is the origin of this Brahmi script which Asoka utilized at its maximum for the propagation of the Dhamma? What are its antecedents, ...