Discovery Publishing House

1115 books
The book on AIDS Education to College Students is an action research. The book covers in detail about HIV/AIDs: Concept, over view of the epidemic, India's and Andhra Pradesh's response, historical perspective, knowledge, attitudes, practices of women and girls on HIV/AIDs, Role of family, society, Govt. and NGOs in prevention and control of HIV/AIDs. As part of action research KAP assessment tools, TOT manual and a Multimedia manual were developed. This book is ...
This book aims to providing valuable suggestion for better planning and organization of the school television system in general and meaningful utilization of educational television programmes for the schooling education. It also reports an experimental study of the effect of ETV exposure on achievement in different subjects. The experimental study indicated that the ETV exposure increases achievement and it further improves when the teacher provides post ...
The present book updates the subject content of Organic farming, bio-fertilizers, green chemistry, green manure, agro-waste recycling, plant biotechnology, vermi-compost, ferti-irrigation technology, sustainable agriculture and soil management.
The book will be helpful for the researchers, academia working in the field of Organic farming, bio-fertilizers, green chemistry, green manure, agro-waste recycling, plant biotechnology, vermi-compost, sustainable ...
Contents: 1. The Nature of Language. 2. Acquisition of the First Language. 3. Approaches to Language Teaching. 4. Grammar-Translation Method. 5. Structural Approach. 6. Audio-Lingual and Direct Method. 7. Bilingual Method. 8. Communicative Language Teaching. 9. Language Content and Kinds of Lessons. 10. Techniques for Teaching English. 11. Teaching English in Universities, Teaching English in English Medium Schools. 12. Equipping the English Teacher, ...
A low sound is pleasant, whereas, loud sound is unpleasant and is commonly referred to as "Noise". Noise can be defined as an unpleasant and unwanted sound. Sound pollution causes due to industrialized urban life and congestion and over population. Noise pollution is not fatal to human life, yet its importance cannot be overlooked, because repeated exposure to sound reduces the sleeping hours and productivity or efficiency of a human being. Sound is not ...
This book aims to offer the state-of-the-art reviews, current research and the future developments of biomass conversion to bioenergy for clean environment and biofuels.
The production of bioenergy and biofuels from biomass (Green Chemistry Approach) towards the biomass conversion and the common examples of biofuels are biobutanol, bioethanol, and biodiesel. Biobutanol continuously draws the attention of researchers and industrialists because of its several ...
The present book updates the subject content of remote sensing, GIS, GPRS, ecological assessment, demographics, urban analysis, transportation, environment, hydrology, atmospheric analysis, forest cover and public health. The book will be helpful for the researchers, academia working in the field of demographics, urban analysis, transportation, environment, hydrology and public health.
Contents: Introduction. 1. Geospatial Technology for Sericulture Development. ...
We are all aware of the fact that renewable resources and environment ignorance and less knowledge is a growing menace. There is a steady output of information in the daily press, scientific journals, government documents and monograph on different renewable resources and environment concern.
Renewable Resources and Environment is a book of common efforts of more than ten writers to cover the various aspects of environment. The first chapter is about fungal ...
This book is designed in accordance with the latest syllabus prescribed by NCTE and Tamilnadu Teachers Education University, Chennai. The first unit brings to light the importance of gender role in society and distinguishes between sex and gender. The second unit focuses on gender identity and socialisation processes. The succeeding unit expounds the representation of gender roles in school textbooks and how to integrate gender studies content in curriculum. The ...
This book primarily deals with the role of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) in empowering the Scheduled Caste Women and in doing so it focuses empirically on the structure, strategy and constrains in this process. The scheduled castes and scheduled tribes are the most backward communities in India. Democratic decentralization since its inception has been viewed as a harbinger of positive social transformation through enabling, empowering the masses, ...
Biomedical Sciences and Herbal Medicines” consists of original articles which focus on the latest developments in biomedical sciences with special emphasis on phytomedicine and natural products. Covering a wide range of topics, this book is basically an original contribution of young active researchers working at prestigious institutions on latest and emerging topics in broader area of biomedical research. This book is an attempt to highlight the salient ...
Contents: Introductory. 1. The Behaviour of the Lower Animals. 2. Behaviour of Insects. 3. Behaviour of the Vertebrates. 4. The Instincts of the Mammals and of Man. 5. Habit and Intelligence in Animals. 6. Behaviour of the Natural Man. 7. Perceptual Thinking. 8. Attention and Interest. 9. Imagining-Anticipating-Recollecting. 10. Emotion. 11. The Derived Emotions. 12. Disposition. 13. Temper. 14. Temperament and Moods. 15. Belief and Doubt. 16. Growth and Mental ...
Contents: Introduction. 1. Releated Research. 2. Research Design. 3. Data Analysis. 4. Conclusions and Discussion.
Contents: 1. Introduction. 2. Review of related research. 3. Statement of the problem. 4. Methodology. 5. Results and discussion. 6. Summary and suggestions.
We have great pleasure in introducing the present book to B.Com., M.Com., MPM, BBA, DBM, BSL & LLB students. This book will necessarily enhance understanding of Mercantile and Industrial Law manifold of the learners. We have made sincere and honest effort focusing on the subject in a lucid manner. Section numbers of the relevant statues have been mentioned so that students may find it convenient to refer to them. The purpose of this book remains to introduce ...
The present research project is devoted to introduce what error analysis is and what sort of relationship it has with language teaching and what contribution it provides for English language teaching and learning. The investigator being a teacher educator in Methods of teaching English found it worthwhile to undertake a research study to identify the errors of B.Ed., trainees while writing in English and suggested a remedial program to overcome errors and improve ...
The early Spanish explorers of the 1500’s found Strawberry Guava, ‘Acca sellowiana O.,’ growing as a native tree in America, where they were firmly established from Mexico southward to Peru. History records that Seminole Indians were growing guava trees in Northern Florida in 1816.
Guava is a tropical fruit, cultivated mainly in the Asian countries. It is quite similar in shape to pear and has a rind that is green in color and changes to yellow ...
The combination of unique texture and sweet, tart flavor has made grapes an ever popular between-meal snack as well as a refreshing addition to both fruit and vegetable salads.
Grapes are small round or oval berries that feature semi-translucent flesh encased by a smooth skin. Some contain edible seeds while others are seedless. Like blueberries, grapes are often covered by a protective, whitish bloom. Grapes that are eaten as is or used in a recipe are called ...
The intelligence of the universe expresses itself through sacred and medicinal plants. India has always had the unique advantage of possessing a wide range of climatic, geographical and geological conditions wherein an infinite variety of these rare and precious herbs and trees could flourish. The medicinal, culinary, cosmetic, aromatic and sacred applications of these plants were well known to Ayurvedic practitioners, and they are still of immense benefit to us ...