DND Publications

57 books
Modern Business Communication is very important. The present book on Modern Business Communication is a humble effort in which fresh look at the new techniques used by best practice companies to improve their communication system has been investigated. The book is useful to B.Com., B.B.A., M.Com., C.A., C.S., and I.C.W.A. Student.
Fundamentals of Business Management is empowering business men either in the form of an individual or group who have been facing the challenge of Business and Economic problems. It provides a sort of encouragement among the industrialist and businessmen. Due to changed circumstances as the pioneering effects of world wide competition the importance of Fundamentals of Business Management has increased.
nternational Economic needs deep acquittance and discussion in modern time. But, books on this important subject are surprisingly rare. The main object of this publication is to provide some guidance in this field.
Many books have been written on Internal Business, but only a small percentage of these books are tailored to suit the modern requirement of students teachers and research scholars of our country. Fast changes in rules and policy relating to international business makes this important subject more difficult. This book contains a wealth of information about various aspects of international business important to society.
Contents: Preface. 1. Introduction. 2. ...
The main aim of advertising is to create demand for products and services. This book is a comprehensive collection of different aspects of advertising. Through an innovative and modern approach the book deals with a prodigal approach to advertising management. Numerous concrete techniques and technologies gives readers a simulate frame work of advertising in practice and provide an understanding of fundamentals and problem solving methods to face the challenges ...
This book provides a comprehensive course of the subject. The book is written primarily for university teachers, college lectures, research scholars, B.A., B.Com., BBA, BSW, B.Ed., M.A., M.Com., MSW, M.Ed. MBA, CA, ICWA an CS Courses of our country. The special features of this book are:
(l) The book takes full advantage of the clarity and consistency of modern terminology.
(2) The development of the chapters is logical and the preparation of each new idea is ...
In developing countries agriculture is the way of life. Therefore, it has naturally interested many persons, social scientists, economist, politicians, government and public at large. All have systematically studied or researched, written and spoken widely on its various aspects of their interest to shed more light on the nature, significance and content of agricultural work since the turn of the last century. This book in its various chapters covers the topics ...
Many books have been written on internal business, but only a small percentage of these books are tailored to suit the modern requirement of students teachers and research scholars of our country. Fast changes in rules and policies relating to international business makes this important subject more difficult. This book contains a wealth of information about various aspects of international business important to society.
Contents: Preface. 1. Introduction. 2. ...
Contents: Preface. 1. Introduction. 2. Project environment. 3. Project management is an advance specified branch of management. 4. Project planning. 5. Practical aspect of project planning questions. 6. Strategic project planning. 7. Project execution. 8. Project completion and handover. 9. Pre-project planning. 10. Projects risk management. 11. A system approach to project management. 12. Project report of N.K. Ltd. 13. Project audit. 14. Projectology. 15. ...
Contents: Preface. 1. Introduction. 2. Consultation as a Democratic practice. 3. Institutionalized Democracy. 4. Democracy through committees. 5. Evaluation of Democracy in business. 6. Democracy and market segmentation. 7. Democracy in pricing decision. 8. Democracy in management decisions. 9. Democracy in fixing marketing risks. 10. Democracy through government. 11. Democracy through industrial policy. 12. Democracy through tariff commission. 13. Democracy ...