Dreamtech Press

Showing all 11 books
A shift is underway for Microsoft developers to build web applications youll need to integrate HTML5 features like Canvas-based graphics and the new JavaScript-driven APIs with familiar technologies like ASP.NET MVC and WCF. This book is designed for you. HTML for.NET Developers teaches you how to blend HTML5 with your current .NET tools and practices. You’ll start with a quick overview of the new HTML5 features and the semantic markup model. Then, ...
Java EE 7 Recipes takes an example based approach in showing how to program Enterprise Java applications in many different scenarios. Be it a small business web application or an enterprise database application, Java EE 7 Recipes provides effective and proven solutions to accomplish just about any task that you may encounter. The solutions in Java EE 7 Recipes are built using the most current Java Enterprise specifications, including EJB 3.2, JSF 2.2, Expression ...
Computer Concepts and Web Technology provides you a clear set of code and design standards that addresses the basic needs of computer users and Web developers. This book explores every important aspect of the computer, Internet and Web. For instance, there are discussions on computer generations, algorithms, operating systems, computer networks, Internet, e-mails and Web applications. The book also describes websites and how different Web technologies - HTML, ...
The book helps you to understand the role and functioning of various system programs over application program and initiate an understanding of compilers as well as phases of compiler. It also provide theoretical framework for optimizing the code and use of various software tools for developing system programs.
Contents: 1. System Software. 2. Assemblers. 3. Macro and Macro Processors. 4. Loaders and Linkers. 5. Software Tool. 6. Compiler. 7. Lexical Analysis. ...
This book has been written keeping in mind the readers familiar and not-so familiar with computers. Several chapters have been included that cover the syllabi of different universities in India.
Contents: Introduction. 1. Classification of Computer. 2. Computer Basics Organization. 3. Algorithm and Flowchart. 4. Binary Arithmetic. 5. Concept of Information and Data Processing. 6. Computer Memory. 7. Processor. 8. Computer Languages. 9. Computer Software. 10. ...
The book, Android Application Development Black Book, is a one-time reference book that covers all aspects of Android application development in an easy-to-understand approach-for example, how to design user interface by using Views and ViewGroups, how to persistently store data by using content providers, how to design mobile applications displaying pictures and menus by using Views, how to develop Android mobile applications for sending messages and e-mails, ...
Neo4j in Action is a comprehensive guide to designing, implementing and querying graph data using Neo4j. Using hands-on examples, you'll learn to model graph domains naturally with Neo4j graph structures. The book explores the full power of native Java APIs for graph data manipulation and querying. It also covers Cypher, Neo4j's graph query language. Along the way, you'll learn how to integrate Neo4j into your domain-driven app using Spring Data Neo4j, as well as ...
The book introduces the concept of data mining as an important tool for enterprise data management and as a cutting edge technology for building competitive advantage. The readers will be able to effectively identify sources of data and process it for data mining and become well versed in all data mining algorithms, methods and tools. The coverage of the book will help you to analytically identify opportunities to derive business value from data.
Contents: 1. ...
This book covers all concepts of C in an easy and simple language. The reader starts at the basic level and goes up to the higher levels as he/she gains knowledge of the concepts. This book also explains the logic behind each program, and thus instills logical thinking in the minds of the students. As this book contains hundreds of programs, it can be used by students of Indian universities to solve programs generally asked in their theory and lab examinations as ...
This book, Managerial Economics provides an in-depth discussion on various concepts and theories of economics that can be applied in business environment. The book provides a systematic presentation of text that covers the various aspects of the world economy. It also discusses the recent issues and developments in economics. Apart from incorporating the latest facts and figures, the book contains a vast number of solved problems to highlight the practical ...
This is a comprehensive textbook that explains the concepts and principles of Revit Architecture through practical examples, tutorials, and exercises. This enables the users to harness the power of BIM with Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 for their specific use. Special emphasis has been laid on the explanation of concepts, such as Work sets, Design options, Families and Rendering, and new mental ray rendering workflow.