Eastern Book Company

86 books
Contract and Specific Relief by Dr. Avtar Singh is an authoritative and most sought after book on the subject. The book deals with the intricacies of contract law in a straightforward and lucid style. The book covers many new developing areas in contract law which are of practical and academic importance.
The current twelfth edition of the book has been thoroughly revised and updated by the author. The book covers recent decisions on issues arising out of modern ...
The present seventh edition of this immensely popular and authoritative work has been thoroughly revised and updated in the light of various latest developments in the subject.
The author has discussed crime in the Indian context with explanation of crime from individualistic to environmental approach.
Salient Features:
The subject of Victimology has been updated in the light of global changes in this area.
Discusses the Penology issues like prison reforms, ...
Natural Resources Law: Concepts and Approaches makes a significant contribution to the field of natural resources law. This book is a result of collective research of eminent judges, legal academicians, researchers and students exploring different angles of natural resources, its sustainable development and conservation for future generations. It analyses the constitutional provisions as well as the international framework pertaining to natural resources.
This ...
Update your set, Replace Vol. 16 with Reissue Vols. 16-A and 16-B
Volume 16, 2009 of the Complete Digest of SCC has now been revised and updated as per the time-honoured international device of Reissue, to cover about 65 years of Supreme Court case law from 1950 to (2015) 8 SCC. The large amount of new material on the sections of CrPC covered in the original Volume 16 made it necessary to release two Reissue volumes, Vols. 16-A and 16-B. Hence, replace Volume 16 ...
Volume 44 covers Family and Personal Laws (Hindu Law to End) to Fraud/Forgery/Mala Fides.
Volume 43 covers Family and Personal Laws .
Volume 42 covers Family and Personal Laws .
Volume 41 covers the subject of Executive Wing of State to Family and Personal Laws .
Recently a five-judge constitution bench of the Supreme Court headed by Justice J.S. Khehar by a 4:1 majority struck down the National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC) and ordered revival of the two-decade-old 'judges-selecting-judges' collegium system. The book contains the decision of the Constitutional bench including head notes and arguments on behalf of the parties.
The book India: The Business Opportunity highlights in eighteen chapters what every business entity must know to successfully enter and compete in one of the world's fastest-growing large economies. The potential opportunity in India is huge: it is home to a quarter of the world’s population, with a lively, cash-rich and rapidly expanding consumer class and relaxed regulatory restraints have opened India up to unprecedented levels of foreign investment. ...
Entrepreneurs' Legal Guide to Business is a superb work which familiarises the entrepreneurs with the basics of law relating to doing business in India.
The book covers all the basic topics relevant for any beginner, like:
Different issues encountered while setting business,
Popular investment options like “angel” investment, venture capital, venture debt and foreign investment,
Day-to-day legal and compliance issues,
Modes in which an investor can ...
PHILOSOPHER of RAISINA - Dr. Zakir Hussain Memorial Lectures by Lokendra Malik, Shabeena Anjum, Edition 2016
The current legal classic is a collection of lectures delivered by eminent scholars in honour of the much-celebrated educationist and former President of India, Dr. Zakir Hussain. This tribute covers various phases of Dr. Zakir Hussain's life in the light of different politico-social developments in the country during that period. Topics covered include: ...