Educationist Press, a division of Write & Print Publications

Showing all 18 books
The present book in the user-friendly format is a first publication on “Veterinary Physiotherapy” for the benefits of students and beginners, comprising authentic information on historical aspects to modality, indications, contraindications and rehabilitation protocol for clinical patients. This book is a compilation of scholarly and practical knowledge in the field of physiotherapy for ready reference of the users. The chapters selected in this book ...
Lot many of our graduating as well as graduate students felt need of agood book containing all the relevant information of various subjects of veterinary sciences in a concise form that can be helpful in their preparation of various competitive examinations like JRF and Civil Services. We tried at our level best to provide all such informations in this book needed by students who are preparing for their life shaping competitions. This is one of the unique books ...
The Bionanosciences book has 19 chapters addressing potential developments in pharmaceuticals, medical imaging, diagnosis, cancer treatment, implantable materials, tissue regeneration and multifunctional platforms combining several of these modes of action as a nano fraction a cell. Moreover, it deals about different aspects of nanosciences such as synthesis of iron, zinc and gold nanoparticles and their promising applications in the field of biomedical, ...
The present publication deals with sampling techniques and sampling of milk products, errors, precision, accuracy and uncertainty in quantitative analysis, cream, malai and cream powder, butter and margarine, ghee/butter oil, milk powders (skimmed, partially skimmed and whole), infant milk & milk cereal weaning food , condensed milk /evaporated milk, ice cream, kulfi and dried ice cream mix, dried frozen, dessert, cheese, indigenous dairy products (dahi or ...