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Barack Obama has m,ade the CTBT a priority in his proliferation policy and has promised to seek Senate ratification of the Treaty. Once the US ratifies the CTBT, there will be extreme pressure on India to sign it.Should India sign the CTBT or link it to complete nuclear disarmament? What will be in India’s interest? This book tries to address all these issues. Going deep into the historical background of the CTBT, it examines India’s stand ...
Boundaries are manifestations of national identity. They can be trip-wires of war. This is all the more important if the involved parities are nuclear powers. The nuclearisation of South Asia has threatened to inflame long-standing boundary disputes that India has with China, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh. This book attempts to examine all the major aspects of these disputes. Going deep into their historical legacies, it discusses ...
Benazir Bhutto was twice prime minister of Pakistan, and was campaigning for a return to power when she was assassinated on December 27, 2007. She was born into a political family -her father, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, was Pakistan's Prime Minister from 1973-77, and was deposed, imprisoned, and finally executed after a military coup. Benazir was imprisoned repeatedly before leaving for exile in London. She began to take interest in the political activities of her ...
The attitude of a person measures the altitude of his or her success and happiness. Success, and as a resultant happiness, is not determined by how much you earn or what is your status in society. It is determined by whether or not you achieve your chosen goals in life and how you view them. Each person's goals are different. Therefore it is essential for every individual to crystallize his or her vision in order to develop his/her own paradigm and path to ...
You can succeed if nobody else believes it, but you will never succeed if you don't believe in yourself. Yet, some of you find the path to your dreams blocked by self-doubt. But the good news is that your lack of faith in yourself is not hereditary, it can be acquired or learned. And this book gives some easy tips to eliminate self-doubt as well as lack of confidence, and regain self-esteem.
The law attraction states that 'whatever we think about, we bring about'. This law may initially seems like new age fluff, but believe it or not, there are scientific merits to this proposition. Providing deep insight into the understanding of the law of attraction, this book suggests some simple ways to achieve success, develop character, confidence and self-discipline, fight against odds in life, conquer procrastination, control anger, and deal with an ...
Nothing succeeds like success. It is not determined by how much you earn or your position in society. It is determined by whether or not you achieve your chosen goals in life. We all are equal by nature. God has given us intelligence. What turns our goals and dreams into reality-success-is the hard labour put in by us and how we use our intelligence. This book tries to unveil the secrets of successful people. Much of that is written is based on the author's own ...
Many people feel that they are weighed down by duties, obligations and responsibilities. They don't realize that complaining about carrying out their duties is like complaining about having to eat. Eating is not only necessary, but can be a source of great pleasure. The same is true for performing our responsibilities. We actualize our potential by fulfilling our obligations, which leads to pleasure and happiness. This book offers some important tips on ...
Self-esteem is the major challenge of our era. It lies at the heart of many of the diverse issues and problems we face in life. Many people who suffer from low self-esteem attribute their life challenges to wholly different causes, blocking their path to success. Every individual is the primary force shaping his or her life. The only thing they need to acquire is self-esteem. And this book suggests some easy ways to improve self-esteem, paving way to your success ...
A natural disaster is the consequence of a natural hazard, such as volcanic eruption, earthquake or landslide which affect human activities. Human vulnerability, exacerbated by the lack of planning or appropriate emergency management leads to financial, environmental and human losses. The resulting loss depends on the capacity of the population to support or resist the disaster. Human history is replete with various type of natural disasters, some recent being ...
From Los Angeles to Delhi, everyone is talking about the new President of America. Barack Obama's election is not about the US alone, it is about changing the world. From race to religion, from the economy to environment, the question is what the Obama factor will do. This book provides deep insight into the man and his moment, the fragmented upbringing, his steely grit, and the key events in his life. It describes in detail his early life and career, his plunge ...
The value and importance of your thoughts are incalculable because your success and happiness depend on them. If you have an attitude that is appropriate to your objective, success is assured. It is essential for every individual to crystalise his or her vision in order to develop his or her own paradigm and path to success. Once you are clear on what you want to do in your life, your success will depend on how well you cultivate, improve or change your views ...
Fear is our worst enemy. If we let it terrify us, life will not be worth living. In fact, fear is nothing more than the expectation that something bad will happen. The opposite of fear is not courage, but simply the expectation that something good will happen. This is what we have to learnt. This book offers some simple ways to manage fears and live life to the full.
The world is viewed differently by everyone, and it is an individual's perception that governs his or her ambition and the way he or she views the opportunities in this world. Everyone has the potential to achieve success, happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment and the joy that is one's natural birthright. That only thing that one has to do is to unlock his or her potential. And this book suggests some practical ways to realize your potential the fullest. Much of ...
Leadership is like moving a string. You cannot move it by pushing from behind, what you have to do is to get ahead and pull. It is a catalyst that makes things happen. It is a power shared by all, for if we do not lead others, we lead ourselves. A true leader encourages and inspires team spirit. His preferred method of instruction is by example. Every individual has leadership qualities hidden inside him or her. The only need is to explore and sharpen them. This ...