70 books
Exploding the fanaticism of religions, the Sufis came with their message of love, accommodation and truth. Originating as a reaction against Islamic bigotry and persecution by the Arab Muslems, particularly the Abbasi Caliphs, they gradually spread all over the world. Unfortunately, some writers have been loath to recognize Sufism's broad mindedness and are inclined to squeeze into the narrow crevices of fanaticism and in the process to negate its effinity to ...
This is the revised and enlarged third edition of the book Descriptive Questions in Library and Information Science for Paper III written for NET (UGC) examination, according to the new format of questions prescribed by UGC in library and information science subject. In the present book, matter on each and every topic of the subject has been covered in detail so that the candidates appearing for the said test may have the entire matter in one place. For clear ...
It is very true that libraries play an important role in development of a society. Broadly speaking, there are three types of libraries. Viz., academic libraries, special libraries and public libraries. This book entitled ‘Academic Libraries’ gives an overview on each and every aspects of working environment of an academic library. The whole work is divided into 14 chapters which covers state of art of development of different types of academic libraries, ...
Though the field of Information Technology is ever-changing field and one work cannot be claimed as a complete work at a given time. But we may try to keep pace with them and certainly, there are some fundamental, which never changes. This book entitled ‘Basics of Information Technology for Librarians and Information Scientists’ is an attempt to provide basics of Information Technology to the working professionals in the library field. The book comprises of ...
A compendium of selected research studies conducted in various Library Schools in Indian Universities. The subjects such as professional development, reading habits of women, space planning in libraries, industrial information system, I.T applications in decentralised planning and bibliometrics, scientometrics and webometrics studies focussed on various communication media are investigated. A reference manual for students, teachers and researchers engaged in ...
The present book on "Special Libraries: Research and Technical Libraries" is the fourth book in the series. This book fulfills the long felt need of those students who opt. paper on "special libraries" in MLIS degree of Indian Universities either as a regular student or through distant learning education. An attempt is made to cover all the aspects of special libraries as per the syllabi of these universities. The book has a chapter on ...
The goose quill put an end to talk. It abolished mystery. It was the basic metaphor with which the cycle of civilisation began, the step from the dark into the light of mind. The hand that hardened the clay tablets by baking like bricks created the library. Libraries have undergone a major change in modern times. They have been experiencing technological revolution that goes welt beyond anything that has existed since the invention of printing. Not surprisingly, ...
Staffing Agricultural Information systems focusses on the manpower strategies required for exploiting our agricultural knowledge resources. Public investment in agriculturl research runs into millions of rupees. Optimum utilization of the knowledge so generated, necessitates quick access to and speedy dissemication of the information generated by by research . The efficiency of more than 30,000 scientists working in thousands of institutions in our country's ...
Collection management is not just book selection, acquisition, building the collection, and even collection development. During last few decades the library situations have been affected by social, economic, cultural and academic changes, the declining financial resources, technological innovations, changing needs and requirements of the user groups and access to wider resource base. The concept of collection management has emerged to cope with the new ...
The book in hand portrays almost all aspects of librarianship, documentation work, information services and library & information science education in India and abroad. It covers all types of library and information services and the educational needs of the profession. Almost every aspect of the conventional documents, non-book materials, information technology and the latest trends in the profession has been represented and discussed at length in the essays ...
A Handbook of Distance Education with Special Reference to Library and Information Science in India is specially designed for semi-professionals and untrained librarians working in the libraries and information centres to seek distance education in Library and Information Science and thereby degrees in LIS. It gives information on Distance Education with special reference to LIS and use of Multimedia in Distance Education. The book shall be useful to fresh ...
The purpose of writing this book is not to add to the ever expanding corpus of 'Subhasiana', nor is it to reweave a narrative already so well known, but to revise the most radiant chapter of Indian Freedom Struggle which was fought both within and outside India; and give Subhas his due place in it. This involves removing popular fallacies, getting over serious lapses, and renegotiating some of the missing links. It also means writing in a more forthright manner ...
Today's library science students/practicing librarians and information scientists must prepare to enter a world that has become heavily dependent on computers for it's very survival. There can be little question that library automation is a driving force for library change today with computers appearing in every area of documentation centre. This innovative volume offers in-depth coverage of what a library computer system is, what it is capable of, where and how ...
The book is first of its kind in the field of library and information science, which is mainly written for us, students & teachers and working librarians of India. The chapters include communication in general in the prologue and rest of them on audio-video, microform media, electronic media, storage media, hypertext, hypermedia, multimedia, networking and epilogue. These are the current trends in the field of library and information science. We hope the book ...
Online cataloguing is a major issue in library automation and networking. Our librarians are using various types of library automation softwares to automate their libraries. CDS/ISIS is one of the most popular and user friendly software developed by UNESCO for the application in the libraries of developing countries of the world. The purpose of this handbook is to highlight the practical approach of CDS/ISIS Windows version. This work is the first of its kind ...
Today, libraries automated rapidly, the possibility of record sharing and distribution increased exponentially, and users had catalogues which were current, potentially well-maintained, and amenable to a much wider range of search strategies. An exploration of the impact of acquisitions automation signals a shift toward a distributed acquisitions environment in academic libraries of the future, as opposed to the centralised approach prevalent today. This shift ...
The challenges in any subject indicate the dynamic nature of the subject. The challenges’ will be greater in subjects like interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary in scope. The librarianship underwent a number of challenges in its course of development. The changing faces of libraries, revolutionary changes in the physical forms of information sources, novel methods in information storage and retrieval, application of information technology and communication ...
Librarian's guide to WWW is designed to be used by the students with varied backgrounds, teachers, working professionals as a reference source. Whether you are a novice or have been using the internet for years, you will find plenty of thoughts, great techniques and useful information in this book contained in invariably interesting and refreshing chapters. A wide range of topics were selected to illustrate how the internet and IT can be used and organised ...
Now a days, non-book materials are getting more and more importance in the librarian’s world. In earlier days, when the library were having only printed rather book collection, the cataloguing procedure was simple but with the introduction of non-book materials into the collection of libraries, the cataloguing procedure is becoming a tough task. This book aims to provide a concise account on cataloguing aspects of non-book materials in the libraries. ...
Information is a vital resource and valuable input for sustainable social development. Development of various types of libraries in India was in a sluggish pace during the post independence period. Attempts were made for the establishment of various types of libraries during the post independence period because of the initiative of various organisations. Now it is time to make an objective assessment in the development of libraries and librarianship in India ...
New Dimensions of Library Scenario in India is a book written in a lucid and easy to understand language, and explores all the aspects of library and information science. It is simultaneously a specialised and a generalised study of library information science in India. It deals and discusses in detail, never before explored subjects such as loss of books in libraries, publishing laws-copyright, libel, obscenity, libraries in education, public library ...
MARC 21, ISO 2709 communication format is the name of harmonized CAN/MARC and USMARC format, it is designed to facilitate the exchange of bibliographic and related information. It is an International exchange format, and supports the revised Anglo American Cataloguing rules (AACR-II, 2 ed, 2002 revision). In this format a proper place is provided for each of the bibliographic information, if a bibliographic record has been marked correctly and saved in a computer ...