Forward Books

41 books
India occupies unique strategic location in South Asia. Having varied topography it falls in different climatic zones. This book is devised as a text-cum-reference book according to the syllabus of UPSC's civil services exams and graduate and post graduate courses of different Indian Universities. This book consists of the following chapters: India: Physical Setting; Resources; Focus on Agriculture; Indian Industry; Transport, Communication and Trade; ...
This book attempts to portray the real picture of external attacks on India and her response to them during the post-Independence period. Presenting all the major wars in chronological order, it examines their different aspects, including the factors that led to the war and their consequences.
The major wars studied in this book include Indo-Pakistan War of 1947, Operation Polo, Operation Vijay, Sino-Indian War 1962, Indo-Pakistan War 1965, Bangladesh Liberation ...
In the light of growing regional and international disputes, many world organizations and other regional blocs have reached many treaties and conventions for an amicable settlement of different tensions and specifying rights of various nation-state on waters, i.e. seas. In this volume we have compiled the text of some select conventions and treaties. This book consists of the following chapters: Global and Maritime Security, Global Peace and Security: ...
India has had a long maritime history. Ancient scriptures and other works supply ample proof of this. Besides exploratory and commercial voyages, naval warfare has very ancient history. This book portrays a vivid picture of Indian navy during different phases of history.