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The panel settlement in Andamans: 1858-1870 brings together two accounts written by two freedom fighters who spent long terms in the settlement.The account by Maulana Khairabadi titled The Indian Rebellion, originally written in Arabic Prose and poetry, gives us the eyewitness details of the fighting between the rebel and the British armies in Delhi and Lucknow. This account is of special interest as it describes not only the misery and sufferings but makes it ...
Horticulture during the medieval times occupied a pride of place in society. Because the practitioners as a rule were without alphabetism not much was committed to paper. Transfer of knowledge being primarily oral, and mode of training being in service, commitment to paper did not cover much operational detail vital for replication. Such limitations drastically limit the availability of manuscript material on horticulture. Translated manuscript in hand seems to ...
A major part of the book is a description of an experiment in education and teacher education, based on the educational theory of John Dewey (1859-1952), who was the major exponent of the Progressive Movement in education. This was a great experiment and achieved world wide fame. It was visited by Kilpatrick after he heard about the work being done in Moga. The book includes a study of all the various forces and ideas that could have influenced the experiment ...
Imperialism, A Study was first published 1902. A Collection of articles covering a variety if imperial issues which Britain faced at that time. The book systematically explored political, economic and social interconnections between capitalism and imperialism. Imperialism was the first attempt to understand the politics of western capitalism. It gave rise to a ‘world politics’ of competing empires and in the present day’s context the super powers which ...
Modern American " Business Management" organically combines refined exploitation of the working people with the latest achievement in the field of organisation and management, which reflect the demand of large-scale machine industry. The 'Science of Management' is published by its supporters as a rational means of preventing bankruptcies, alleviating the destructive consequences of market competition and raising the effectiveness of production. What is ...