Gita Enterprises

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Mythology is popularly known as the science or study of myths (traditional or legend any stories usually concerned with deities of demigods) and the creation of the World and its habitants. Myth is also known as story or belief that attempts to express or explain a basic truth; an allegory or parable. It is a belief whose truth or reality is accepted uncritically. Many of the deities and their myths have, over the centuries, been interpreted and reinterpreted to ...
A dream in an event transpiring in that world belonging to the mind when the objective senses have withdrawn into rest or oblivion. The encyclopedia solves about 12,000 dreams which may see from time to time. When we dreams of events, they are warning of evil or good; sometimes they are stamped so indelibly upon the subjection mind that the least tendency of the waking mind to the past throws these pictures in relief on the dream consciousness. One can find out ...
‘Dictionary of Proverbs’ is a unique reference book for students, teachers and general reader, it covers the proverbs gathered from any or all books. While every care has been taken to include all proverbs, there is possibility of a few left over and any improvement to that is most welcomed.
Among the reference books, 'Dictionary of Greek, Latin, French, German, Italian, Spanish & Dutch Quotations' will be regarded as indispensable book. To all who write or speak it is a took which can never be replaced. That the selection of thousands of quotations could have been the work of one mind is so remarkable that doubt has often been expressed as to whether it was indeed the fact.
This book “The Dictionary Quotations of British and American Authors†Dictionary is first its kind to give you quotations by Authors who had the best of their time, for more than even 600 years. Those using it know when they were born and where, did they quote but where, that is the compilation which will gie you an idea of this.
People tend to be bored by page after page of dull, uninteresting language and so it is important to be able to write and speak in a lively fashion. The use of idioms will greatly enliven one’s style of writing and make it more interesting and more entertaining. This book not only gives the meanings of idiomatic expressions-in language which is simple and easy to understand-but includes example sentences or phrases showing the idioms in actual use. These will ...
Do the small amounts of herbs and spices we add to our food have any nutritional and medical benefits? The answer is yes, when they are used in the right way. From alfalfa to yeast, The Encyclopaedia of Herbs, Condiments and Spices tells you: The plant from which the herb or spice derives. The native habitats and properties of herbs and spices. The use of herbs and spices in cooking and their nutritional value. The medicinal benefits and possible adverse effects ...
This book containing 80 articles, tells you that possibilities inherent in the human machine are infinite and most articles can claim to be regarded as signposts to the borderland of a country that is, at present, largely unexplored. The first chapter 'Learn to Think' discusses about forces governing the human body i.e. habit. From getting up in the morning to lying down at night, nine-tenths of our actions are automatic. The second chapter deals with 'How to Get ...
In the pages have been brought together two historical figures, whose facts in interwined at many points, but who in life, if we can credit Rajput tradition, came face to face once only in a mirror. Whether or not this story as a whole can properly by termed a historical romance, the author, leaves for others to decide. Sultan ‘Alu-ud-din’ Rani Padmini, her husband Rawul Rattan Singh and many others figuring in the tale, all undoubtedly lived and had, ...