Gita Press
Showing all 20 books
Honesty and truthfulness are precious ornaments in the life of human beings. The incidents of honesty and truthfulness of the persons like Socrates, Napoleon, Gopala Krishna Gokhale, and Queen Victoria etc. have beautifully been described in this book. This book consisting of 42 stories is the combined English version of the two Hindi storybooks 'Vira Balaka' (Brave Boys) and 'Sacce Aure Imannadara Balaka' (True and Honest Children).
Obedience and benevolence are the priceless possessions of human life. These virtues make life elected and successful. These virtues make life elevated and successful. Therefore, they should be cultivated from childhood, so that children may become obedient to parents, teachers and elders and may be benevolent to others. This book is the combined English version of the two Hindi books 'Guru Aura Mata-Pita ke Bhakta Balaka' and 'Dayalu aura Paropakari ...
Let the Sadhaka retire to a solitary place and take his seat in a Yogic posture like the Swastika, Siddha or the Lotus, on a seat made either of the holy Kusa grass or of wool, keeping his spine erect and without feeling any inconvenience. Let him then withdraw his senses from their respective objects and renouncing all worldly thoughts make the mind totally void of impressions. Thereafter let him invoke the Lord, the Deity of his heart, in a pure state of mind, ...
The Valmiki-Ramayana is read all over India with great reverence and love as it contains the most authentic story of Lord Sri Rama, one of the two most popular Avataras who lived amongst us thousands of years ago but have left an indelible impression on our lives, which is as fresh today as it was during the time of Valmiki, a contemporary of Sri Rama. It is one of the world's most remarkable classics and excels all in its moral appeal. It is full of ...
Revered Swami Shri Ramsukhdasji Maharaj is well-known to the spiritual aspirants of the country. He is a saint and a Yogi in the real sense of the term and has deep knowledge and insight into the holy texts and scriptures specially the Bhagavadgita. His discourses delivered in simple language and style inspire the audience all over the country. Swamiji emphasizes hat the object of life is God-Realization and this can be attained easily and in no time if the ...
In this book, certain verses from Guru-Gita have been quoted to substantiate the main subject. But in spite of best efforts we have not been able to trace the actual origin of Guru-Gita and its author. At the end of Guru-Gita it is mentioned that it has been taken from Skandapurana but no reference has been found of this text in any version of the Skandapurana. Even difference of opinion has been noticed in the various versions of Guru-Gita published from ...
Sri Ramacaritamanasa of Gosvami Tulsidasa enjoys a unique place among the classics of the world’s literatureIt is considered to be the best work on Devotion by the late Mahatama Gandhi, the greatest man of the modern world and styled as the perfect example of the perfect book by foreign scholars. It is universally accepted by all classes of people from Bihar to the Punjab and from the Himalayas to the Narmada. According to an old Christian missionary, who is no ...
This work in its English version has been an outstanding and much apreciated exposition of the divine and immortal work. This book is somewhat new, as in includes two additonal and valuable appendices at the end of the commentary on the Gita. The first appendix entitled, " A bird's eyeview of the Gita" is a siummarised essence of the scripture, highlighting its core and offering a capsulized version for quick comprehension and ready reference. The ...
This holy book of the Hindus is presented in bold type and large format to enable easy reading. It carries original Sanskrit text alongside Hindi translation faithithful to the original text and is an ideal edition for the general reader. The Bhagavad Gita, the Lord's Song, is the best known and most widely read Hindu scripture in the world. Taking the form of a dialogue between the warrior Arjuna and the divine Krishna on the eve of a battle, this immortal epic ...
Mahabharata War was fought around the year 3000 BC.Lord Krishna - The epicenter of the whole story, although never made to appear as one. He has a simple role to play in the whole story - that of a charioteer of Pandava’s army’s fate. And truly how he does it leaves you dumbfounded. That someone can provide such profound lessons and lead a much weaker side to a victory so convincingly is possible only through a divine intervention. In doing so, the Supreme ...