Global India Publications

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This book covers a broad spectrum of issues shaping the current paradigm of minerals sector governance. The aim of the book is to understand trends and developments in mines and mineral law and policy occurring at international, regional, cross-border and in some selected cases at national level and also to identify some of the challenges. The contributions deal with a diverse range of issues tackled from interdisciplinary perspectives.
The area of law concerning energy and the environment is a dynamic one. Energy law is the first book to consider the interrelationship between energy law and the legal environmental imperatives for the industrial sector including current issues and future developments. The importance of the subject matter and its place in the context of the sustainable development of the energy sector, which underpins all economic development, should make it essential reading for ...
This reference covers all laws, principles and practices of Drugs and cosmetic industry to address globalization of products. The laws covering are from governmental regulations and efficacy testing. This book is more comprehensive and easy to refer concise and coherent notes that are illustrative as well as in structure.
The need for public relations practitioners to form coalitions, negotiate consensus, and advocate organizational interests, the political system metaphor is most appropriate for understanding the relationship between organization power and organizational public relations.
This volume helps readers move from a tactical public relations approach to a strategic management style based on skillful use of research and planning techniques. Combining the key components ...
Shipping Law covers the whole spectrum of shipping law. It takes a structured and integrated approach to the highly specialized rules of shipping, which are placed in their commercial context and related to the general principles of English contract and tort law. This book provides an invaluable source of reference on the subject and will be of use to both students and to those practice. Anyone involved in shipping will wish to keep this reference conveniently to ...
This book describes that how conservation law and politics in vogue since Britist time has pleasant effect on the life of marginalized people. Conservation of forest is certainly a necessity that requires to be addressed as a priority. For the survival of human beings, a holistic approach is required to be adopted as regards protection of the plant kingdom as well as the wildlife with regard to the peaceful and mutually beneficial co-existence of all. Towards ...
Tourism can be defined in more than one way depending upon the basis of the study, such as geography, sociology, psychology or economics. It can also be defined as an industry or a series of industrial sectors such as hotels, restaurants and transport all loosely grouped together which provide services for tourists. It can also be defined as an experience from the tourist’s point of view, an experience of relaxation and pleasure. For the host communities it ...
Mass media refers collectively to all media technologies, including the Internet, television, newspapers, and radio, which are used for mass communications, and to the organizations which control these technologies. They also play a large role in shaping modern culture, by selecting and portraying a particular set of beliefs, values, and traditions as reality. That is, by portraying a certain interpretation of reality, they shape reality to be more in line with ...
Aviation is a dynamic international industry. There is world-wide industry trend that indicates the need for Aviation Management with higher-level techniques to function effectively in this highly competitive field.The aviation industry is already reeling from one of the deepest and most-sustained business downturns in recent years, but there has been little support from the governments and regulators. The industry was finding the regulations on the industry as ...
This book outlines a new way of looking at rewards--a holistic approach that uses measurement to determine what an organization actually values (in terms of skills, knowledge, experience, and behaviors). Further it analyzes the impact of the broad spectrum of reward programs (pay, benefits, and careers) on human capital and, in turn, on an organization's profitability.It discusses variable pay programmes, competency models to employee reward, talent ...