Guru Nanak Dev University

Showing all 19 books
The volume addresses to the issue of female foeticide in Punjab. Based on primary and secondary data, it bares open the fact of gender bias, deep rooted prejudices, persistent discrimination and violence against women, now found to begin in the womb of mother even. Though gender equality is enshrined in the Indian Constitution yet at existential level, a very grave imbalance in the sex-ratio has been noted during these years, Concomitantly, it has generated ...
The Department of Guru Nanak Studies was converted into a teaching department in 1982. Thereafter, research unfortunately stood relegated to the background, so that we were not able to project the life and teachings of Guru Nanak Dev and their cultural and religious impact in the context of Indian and World civilizations-a statutory obligation (vide Sub clause 2, Article 4 of Guru Nanak Dev University Act, 1969). With a view to boost research, the University ...
The study of man in its different aspects, is the starting point of all philosophical speculation. The crucial problems of man's life as a whole, its meaning, man's dignity, freedom, individuality as well as his orientation to inner spirit and his relation to the outward world are subject to deep exploration in all religions and philosophies of the East and West. Man is a conscious being with adaptive powers and capacities to control his own development. The ...
Harimandir, which is also reverentially called Darbar Sahib and Golden Temple is the nerve center of Sikh community. The history of the Harimandir is in fact the history of the community and its faith. Foundation of Harimandir has been the greatest hallmark in the development of the Sikh movement. Sikhs were divinely bestowed with a place of pilgrimage. Concept of the Guru was added to by the concept of Gurdwara. Gurbani, Gursikh, Guru Panth and Gurmata ...
Guru Granth Sahib, acknowledged as the most sacrosanct object, a sacred scripture enjoying profound veneration, carries unrivalled canonical status in the history of religious text. From it, emanates the Panthic identity and coherence. Its doctrinal formulations have stood the rigorous tests of the fast advancing scientific and technological age. Its vision of man and society, visualized by the fist Guru-Guru Nanak and fertilized by his experiences of the world, ...
An Enquiry into the Genesis and unique character of the order of the Khalsa with an exposition of the Sikh Tenets. Parasaraprasna, the name of this book, meaning 'Questions of Parasara' is appropriate enough in view of the way this book came to be written, though there is no intention to suggest any comparison with the world-famous Pali book 'Milindapanha', of the incomparable Nagsena. This work is in answer to a question why a foreigner was interested in ...
The first Parliament of world Religions held at Chicago in 1893, had hardly envisaged any role for the Sikh community in the modern interfaith movement. However, world-renowned historian Prof Arnold Tonybee was aptly right to signify that mankind’s religious future may be obscure, yet one thing can be foreseen; the living higher religions are going to influence each other more than ever before, in the days of increasing communication between all parts of the ...
Hukamnama is an important source of the Sikh history. Most scholars consider it a valuable source of evidence on the life and works of the Gurus. It throws light on the organization of the Sikh congregations and also provides invaluable insights on a number of issues related to the Sikh Panth. The present work aims at studying critically the hukamnamas of Guru Tegh Bahadur. Evaluation of studies undertaken by scholars on the subject would determine the ...
A Comparative Study: Ethical Perceptions of World Religions-(Hinduism, Buddhism, (Christianity, Islam and Sikhism) deals with an extremely important aspect of religion viz. Ethics. Probably this is the first written book, written so far, on this subject. The book present correct interpretation of religion and comprehensive description of the holy scriptures of these religions. The book states truly that religion is the finest means for the civilization of man. ...
Portrayals of cultural heritage of Punjab by its great artists in different forms and genres is their singular contribution to the richness not only of the Punjabi life and culture but also to that of the whole country. Punjab is proud of all these great Punjabi artists. Balwant Gargi, the author of the Great Artists of Punjab deserves applause as he has done a sterling service to the academic world by making the most authenticated, analytical and credible ...