Heritage Publishers

42 books
Islam spread like wild-fire annihilating the local faiths followed by people. Within a century of its inception, it established itself firmly in the peninsular Arabia, Levant, Iran, Northern Africa and Spain. Military conquests of the Arabs brought in its wake Islam to the conquered lands. Unlike Christianity Islam has never been a missionary religion. The debate centres round its spread. One set of writers vouches for its peaceful propagation, another vehemently ...
From time immemorial, the Indian sub-continent had constantly been attracting the avaricious attention of the invaders for its rich culture and wealth. With the advent of Islam Muslim invaders had their field day when they invaded India. With new hitherto unheard of warfare, Hindu kings fell like nine pins. Muslim rulers' might and their penchant for Islam had started changing the religious contours of India. For the first time Indians had to subserve the ...
Unique physiographical region on the south-West coast of India forms Keralam which is bounded on the west by the Arabian Sea and the east in fortified by the Western Ghats. Keralam, somehow, was never in the vision of north Indian Archaeologists and above all Historians in Keralam felt more comfort to go along with certain unfounded legends or hypothesis. Thus the human history of the region remained shrouded in mystery. The Prehistoric studies in Keralam have ...
Because of its importance as a modern human science in recent years, making the discipline more inclusive, holistic and relevant to modern world, the practice of archaeology has increasingly gained importance on a growing scale by national and local heritage institutions throughout the world. The present work is an outcome of a joint research program initiated by the Department of Arts and Culture (Government of Nagaland) and the Anthropological Society of ...
A rich and fascinating ethnography of domestic architecture and activities among the high caste chhetris of Kholagaun in Nepal, this book focuses on the spatial organization, everyday activites and ritual performances that generate and display Chhetri houses as ‘mandalas’, sacred diagrams that are both maps of the cosmos and machines for revelation.
Describing the orientation and layout of the Chhetri house and surrounding compound: it shows how the ...
The Great Indian World Trip is an incredible story about 2 guys who beat all odds to live their dream of driving all around the world in their own car. Tushar and Sanjay spent 2 years planning the journey and even after failing to secure enough money, they still decided to go ahead. Incredibly, help kept coming along the way and bit by bit, slowly and steadily they continued progressing and finally after 15 months, they realized their dream of driving 90,000 km ...
The Mahasiddha Tilopa is said to have lived between 988-1069 B.C. In the documents compiled by his followers, reference has been made to Bengal as his birthplace.
Tilopa has been particularly credited for conceptualising the Mahamudra. It is a meditational method, which involves a set of spiritual practices that expedite the process of attaining bodhi or enlightenment.
Tilopa is devotionally looked upon as the first human founder of the Kagyu Lineage of Tibetan ...
The Great Siddha Naropa is a deeply revered Buddhist Teacher. He lived in India in the eleventh Century. Naropa was among the enlightened teachers of the Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. Before becoming a spiritual teacher, Naropa was an undefeatable scholar at the Nalanda University, the place where he first felt the vibration of the name, Tilopa.
Naropa was born in a respectable Brahmin family that had considerable power and riches at their disposal.
Tilopa ...
The concept of spiritual intelligence inspires the person for being more self-contented satisfied, compassionate, authentic, courageous and joyful. The Primary focus of this book is to make some contributions in the study of S.I. by providing an inclusive theory-including workable definition and a model named, Spiritual Knack Model. Through this book, an effort has been made to provide greater insight to understand the concept of Spiritual Intelligence.
The agenda of health is complex and multidimensional. Addressing health in the current context is of vital importance since large proportion of population is facing the problem of basic health care. This edited book aims to explore the grassroot dynamics of health, with a major focus on the key public health issues like occupational health, lifestyle, food habits and health,sport and health, growth, development in the context of health.With over 30 contributors ...
From Taj to Vraj reveals the feminine nature of the soul and its relationship with the divine. Here philosophy comes to life as the author shares both her personal challenges as a spiritual practitioner and her research as a Sanskrit scholar. Jaya Devi, an independent Western women, embarked on a worldwide bicycle tour at the age of twenty-three to search for a deeper experience of love. In India, she encountered different beliefs about women and how they should ...