Himalayan Publishers

Showing all 7 books
The present book is the out come of the Seminar on Ayurveda and Drug Researches held at Itanagar on 10-11 June, 2004 organized by Regional Research Institute (Ayurveda) Itanagar a constituent body of Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha, Department of Ayush, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. This book embodies the papers on various modes of treatments on amvata/Sandhigata vata, Madhumeha, Vyanbala Vaisamata, Mutrakrishha, ...
The book is concerned with a blend between population genetics and demography. It deals with the unit of study, or Medelian population, in the field of anthropology and population genetics with special emphasis on the importance of demographic parameters. This book provides a framework for micro population study with a view to understanding the social, demographic and genetic structures of human population. The role of evolutionary forces like natural selection, ...