Hyderabad Publishers

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A unique collection of seventy eight multi-colour Miniature Paintings of eighteenth century Hyderabad, unpublished, so far except a few are presented here for the first time. They are from a contemporary Persian manuscript Tuzuke I Asafia of Tajalli Ali Shah, preserved at the National Museum, New Delhi. Tajalli Ali Shah, a native of Hyderabad, was a Persian scholar, poet, Calligrapher and an expert artist who has produced excellent miniature paintings as a eye ...
This book - The Heritage of Bahmanis and the Baridis completes The Heritage series of book which the author, Dr.M.A. Nayeem had began a decade ago. In the series he has already published the following titles: The Spleandour of Hyderabad (2002. revised edition 2011); The Heritage of the Qutb Shahis of Golconda and Hyderabad (2006); The Heritage of the Adil Shahis of Bijapur 2008); and The Royal Palaces of the Nizams (2009).
These five magnum opus volumes present ...
This is the first comprehensive exclusive book about the Art and Architecture of the royal palaces of the Nizams which recaptures the sublime spirit of the opulent oriental life and culture in Hyderabad, where the magnificient, lavish and exotic court of the Asaf Jahi rulers flourished from 1720 to 1948. the grandeur of oriental culture reached its zenith in the later half of the 19th century during the times of the sixth Nizam and it was continued by his ...
The Splendour of Hyderabad is the first comprehensive book which recaptures the sublime spirit of opulent oriental life and culture in Hyderabad, where the magnificent, lavish and exotic court, first of the Qutb Shahi Sultans and later of the Nizams, flourished from 1591 to 1948. The grandeur of oriental culture reached its zenith in the latter half of the 19 century during the time of the sixth Nizam and it was continued by his successor, the last Nizam during ...
This unique work presents for the first time an up-to-date comprehensive study of Qatar's earliest civilization. It synthesizes a wide spectrum of data brought to light by the archaeological surveys and excavations conducted during the past decades by several teams from abroad and national and includes both published and a lot of unpublished material. Profusely illustrated, the book, in 10 Chapters, a Bibliography and an Index, an outcome of several years' ...
This work presents for the first time a comprehensive study of the rock art of the entire Arabian Peninsula, covering five States where it has been recorded. Major portion of the book is covered by Saudi Arabia owing to abundance of material and vastness of the country. In fact, this is the first comprehensive book on Saudi Arabia's rock art covering and reviewing all the regions and describing stylistic traditions to be found there. The book, besides presenting ...
The origin of writing in Ancient Arabia has received no treatment in extenso by the scholars. The origin of alphabetic writing in Arabia is still subject of controversy and an open problem. Several epigraphists and philologists have propounded pre-assumed theories by looking from one side of the picture that writing migrated to Arabia from out side. But they have not considered the point from the other side-the possibility of the origin within Arabia itself. ...
This is first comprehensive and profusely illustrated book which brings under one cover almost all the existing antiquities of heritage of the multi-faceted Qutb Shahi culture of Golconda - Hyderabad. The Qutb Shahi Kingdom was one of the five off-shoots of the Bahmani Kingdom (1347-1518). Sultan - Quli Qutbul Mulk, an emigrant from Hamadan (Iran), who was appointed governor of the Bahmani province of "Telangana" in 1496, assumed autonomous rule, on the ...
This is the first comprehensive and profusely illustrated book which brings under one cover almost all the existing antiquities of the heritage of the multifaceted Adil Shahi cultural history of Bijapur Kingdom. The Adil Shahi kingdom was one of the five off-shoots of the Bahmani Kingdom (1347-1518). The dynasty and the Kingdom was founded by Yusul Beg, an emigrant from Anatolia (Asia Minor). He belonged to the Aq-Quyunlu (White Sheep) tribe of Diyarbykir. One ...