Institute for Human Development

Showing all 12 books
The book is the outcome of the IHD-WFP workshop on ‘Food Insecurity and Child Work’ held in Delhi in March 2001. Poverty, seasonal food distress and vulnerability to hunger due to recurrent natural calamities alter the lifestyles and coping mechanisms of affected families with adverse consequences on the freedom and the education of their children. However, the availability of timely support in the form of food can become the ...
This volume, containing twenty one articles from experts and activists, provides an indepth insight into the recent developments and processes at work in the rural labour markets in India and evaluates how far the attempts towards their empowerment have been successful. In this context, this volume examines in detail, both at micro and macro levels, the role of operations of the market forces, state interventions and mobilisation by trade unions, political ...
India is often cited as a land of paradoxes. This is certainly true when it comes to food security. Despite a decline in poverty, close to 30 per cent of its people are food insecure and one-half of its children malnourished in one way or another. And yet the country has a stock of more than 60 million tones of foodgrains stored through government’s procurement. Increased food prices, shrinkage of area under foodgrains and escalating food subsidy are now the ...
In recent years there has been widespread reports in the media, both inside and outside the country, about the exploitation of child labour, including bonded labour in India’s carpet industry. In the wake of the criticisms, several measures have been initiated to tackle the problem of child labour in carpet production. Social labeling was one such initiative introduced in the nineties. It aims at improving the living and working conditions of the weaving ...
Of late, issues concerning various aspects of the lives of children have come to grab the focus of attention. And rightly so given that more than a third of the population constitute children who, after all, are the future of the country. Doubtless there is no dearth of policies that have been formulated, seminars and discussions that have taken place, funds that have been made available and NGOs that are functioning actively in this sphere. But how much do we ...
The role of rural non-farm sector (RNFS) is crucial both in generating productive employ-ment and alleviating poverty in rural areas because of the urban sector and near saturation of the agricultural sector in further absorption of workers. Policy makers are increasingly recognizing the importance of RNFS in providing sustainable livelihoods to a large number of people in rural areas. However, in spite of a lot of research that has been carried out, our ...
Although health infrastructure has grown impressively in India after independence, there is widespread malnutrition and prevalence of ill health in the country. While households incur bulk of the health expenditure, government expenditure is limited to only about one-fourth of the total expenditure. India is among those few countries, which spend the least on health. No wonder, expenditure on health care has emerged in recent years as the second ...