Showing all 2 books
The ostracodes are microcrustaceans which have colonised nearly every type of aquatic environment varying from fresh, to marine, and even phreatic waters. In sea, they occur from shore line down to hypabyassal depths. They are quite useful in demarcating shore line facies which is of prime importance in the petroleum exploration. Further, ostracode species have short life spans and many evolve rapidly. Fairly rapid evolving ostracode lineages are extremely useful ...
The Paleontographica Indica Number –5 covers detailed acritarch studies on the Mesoproterozoic and lower Paleozoic sediments, informally referred to as the pre-unconformity or pre-tertiary sequence, occurring in the sub-surface of Ganga Basin between Bundelkand Granitic Complex (BGC) and Neogene Siwalik sediments. Diversified acritarch assemblages of Mesoproterozoic and lower Paleozoic are documented from the pre-unconformity sequence and species with age ...