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This book Seeks to offer complete knowledge on various spheres of Dairy and Dairy Products. It will serve as valuable resource for Entrepreneurs, Students, Researchers and Scholars. The book covers pre establishment as well post establishment processes and technicalities of Dairying.
Crossbreeding involving Bos Taurus cattle breeds with native descriptive and non descriptive cattle population was introduced in India nearly half a century ago with the aim to quick gains in milk production. Undoubtedly, there was a rapid rise in milk production making India the largest milk producer in the world. However, crossbreeding affected the bovine population in general and native breeds in particular in various ways leaving problems and unsolved ...
The book is written with the purpose of providing easy to use, up-to-date and consice book to assist practicing vets. It is essentially meant to be used by students, registered veterinary physicians and field workers. The book is useful for those veterinarians conducting high quality sophisticated work such as embryo transfer and performing skillful surgery and carrying out investigations to diagnose metabolic disorders and detecting micromineral deficiencies to ...
This book has been attempted on the pattern of the syllabus of the Veterinary Council of India. This is a very informative and reliable publication, containing valuable information about meat hygiene which is helpful to meet the needs of the meat industry, veterinary students, meat inspectors as also the readers of veterinary science publication. This publication provides an in-depth understanding of the relevance of meat hygiene and promotes public awareness ...
The theory and practical portion has also equal weightage in internal and external examination with little variation at institutional level. This book is designed to cover all the material in a concise and course wise format. The objective and subjective questions at the end of each chapter and model test papers at the end of book will help the students for examination point of view. List of various books of Indian and foreign authors which are thoroughly ...
Virology is the study of viruses causing infectious and contagious diseases in man and animals. There are many viral diseases namely FMD, PPR, sheep pox, goat pox, IBR, bluetongue, swine fever, rabies, canine parvovirus etc prevalent in India affecting different species of animals and causing enormous economic losses. All the diseases caused by pathogens except viral diseases can be treated with antimicrobials. As there is no specific treatment available for ...
The text of this book is easy to understand and has been written with this object in mind. The language is simple with clear explanations and systematic presentations. The author’s commitment to information on the pathology and treatment of diseases of animals is total. Emphasis is placed on definitions, symptoms, gross and microscopic lesions and treatment of diseases of Animals.
This book will fulfil long-felt need of students, veterinary professionals and clinicians as it has been designed to cover all the practical and clinical aspects of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics. This book has been prepared in a simple, lucid and concise manner.