211 books
Appended with an extended list of references for further reading, this book is an updated, comprehensive and highly informative reading source on Indian poverty. It deliberates upon the various facets of Indian poverty, analyses debates on methods of its measurement and more importantly focuses on the role of agriculture and rural development in poverty alleviation in India. It also covers in detail the gender aspects of Indian poverty and argues that poverty in ...
Discovering Himalaya is an informative anthology of over 30 descriptive essays, analytical articles, review papers and absorbing travelogues that portray the beauty and characteristic features of Himalayan ecosystem -- its glaciers, rivers, river basins, watershed etc., and also highlight the issues, problems and challenges related to their conservation and management. Not only that, their importance and role as an eco-tourism attraction has also been discussed ...
This book, Women?s Movement in India provides an introduction to issues related to women?s movement with focus on Indian women and its complete mapping. A critical overview of role of women in contemporary India is also given. This book attempts firstly towards understanding the relevance of sexism and sexual tights and secondly towards understanding major issues related to feminism, eco-feminism, globalization and women?s movements. An overview of history of ...
Women,Culture and Media provides an overview of issues related to women, culture and media with focus on contemporary women and gender, culture, communication and media studies. A critical overview of feminity it psychology and feminism is also given. This book attempts firstly towards understanding the relevance of sexism, gender gap and gender it apartheid and secondly towards understanding major issues related to gender sociology role and equality.
In 1876, Melvil Dewey published his research findings in Dewey Decimal System which totally changed the face of library throughout the world. Prior of the Dewey Decimal system, libraries used haphazard and unscientific ways to shelve the books in a library. Relative location and relative index are two new features in the new classification scheme by Dewey. Previously, books in libraries were numbered according to their locations on the shelves. In other words ...
With special reference to Uttar Pradesh, India.
The Encyclopaedia has been well-weaved into six volumes having deep bearing on several phases of tourism. It is now one of the fastest growing sectors of the economies of may countries. It is indeed interesting to note that several studies connected with tourism and aviation suggested that the focus of travel and tourism is gradually but deliberately shifting from Europe and North America to East/South Asia and the Pacific. Volume 1lays emphasis on concept and ...
This work in two volumes tracks down the current trends in child abuse and also looks into the provision of human right relevant to the child. Volume one details out the role of parents, media and society regarding child abuse. There is analysis of other kinds of domestic violences as well. Prevention of child marriage, drug abuse prevention, various therapies for the victims of child abuse also form part of this volume. Volume two deals with the child rights and ...
This work is unique in one respect that it focuses only on one aspect of education-female education and that to at one level-primary education. In this world, where talks of promotion of education involves expenditure of crores of rupees, a large number of girls are deprived of the facility of education at its base level, even though it may be available free of cost, due to one single factor-gender bias. There are other factors to boot-socio-economic angle, ...
The way that computing is presented and taught in schools has a major impact on girls’ third level choice and can motivate them to either choose computing or reject it as a career choice. Girls’ interest in communication, group work and social usefulness needs to be stimulated by presenting computing as a communication tool and emphasizing its social dimensions, as well as its technical possibilities, within the educational curriculum. This book aimed to ...
This set in three volumes deals with the issues leading to empowerment of women with particular reference to rural women. Volume one deals with issues like gender inequalities in labour market and in enterpreneurship. Next volume focuses on microfianance options for women empowerment. It looks into microcredit schemes for rural women and microcredit schemes for rural women and microfinance movement in India. Third volume describes the various programmes put in ...
This work in six volumes provides an insight into the diverse historical events, religious beliefs and cultural practices in vogue in different parts of India. First volume is devoted to the states of Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab and Rajasthan. It also covers the relevant aspects of life of people of union territory of Delhi and Chandigarh. Volume two focuses on the five states and union territory of Pondicherry of South India. Volume ...
Today, beyond the range of any previous global epidemic, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, the cause of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), has reached the proportions of a pandemic, having infected millions and promising to infect millions more. In many developing countries the HIV/AIDS epidemic is spreading rapidly. The present book focuses on the association between drug use and HIV infection and addresses the challenges that professionals ...
Biotechnology is a broad term associated with many complex processes involving organisms and technology. They are basically related to food and agriculture. Biotechnology finds use in improvement of nutrition value of various kinds of foods to enhance the quality of human life. This work on the subject relates to benefits of biotechnology in providing food security, alleviation of poverty and agricultural and rural development. The work also focuses on framework ...
Information and communication technology is a major factor in shaping the new global economy and producing rapid changes in society. Teacher education institutions may either assume a leadership role in the transformation of education or be left behind in the swirl of rapid technological change. For education to reap the full benefits of ICT in learning, it is essential that preservice and inservice teachers are able to effectively use these new tools for ...
While many aspects in the development and ageing of the human being are genetically programmed, environmental factors are now recognized as highly significant in the manifestation of human characteristics. Nutrition is one of these influential pieces of lifestyle that impact the developmental process at every stage from conception to death. Attention to this detail can make a tremendous difference in the overall quality of life. This book is designed to meet the ...