J.V. Publishing House

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The purpose of this book is to convey to its readers some conception of the relative importance of the poultry industry as a branch of agriculture, the fundamental principles involved in various poultry practices, and up-to-date information concerning methods of poultry production. The more important economic factors in producing and marketing poultry products are given due consideration.Success in poultry raising depends largely upon one's knowledge of the ...
Natural resources are naturally occurring substances that are considered valuable in their relatively unmodified natural form. A natural resources value rests in the amount of the material available and the demand for it. India's major mineral resources include coal third largest reserves in the world, iron ore, Manganese, Mica, Bauxite, Titanium Ore, Chromite, Natural gas, Diamonds, Petroleum, Limestone and Thorium worlds largest along Kerala's shores. ...
The process of economic development is spatially not uniform in the world. It varies between regions and also within a region. The existence of regional inequalities in the level of development is one of the basic structural characteristics of a developing country like India. As a natural corollary of “growth with social justiceâ€, balanced regional development has constituted an important aspect of India’s developmental objectives since independence. ...
Jatropha is an economically important oil-yielding crop as a biodiesel substitute. The plant adapts well to semi-arid marginal sites. It can solve unemployment and pollution problems all over world. It can be used for unemployment and pollution problems all over world. It can be used for erosion control. In recent years much attention has been paid to Jatropha cultivation, therefore, many governmental and non-governmental agencies including farmers have adopted ...
Neem’s other descriptions, such as nature’s gift to mankind, the tree for many an occasion, the tree that purifies, the wonder tree, the tree of the 21st century, and a tree for solving global problems, are a recognition of its versatility. Neem has highest potential among tree plants problems, are a recognition of its versatility. Neem has highest potential among tree plants therefore, it has worldwide attention and a realization of the long-term benefits ...
It is in this context, an in-depth comparative study on the various aspects of the working of poultry industry in the State of Kerala and Tamil Nadu has been attempted here. It is hoped that the present study will be useful not only to the policy makers and industrialist, but also to the other researchers in this field.
This book is not intended as an exhaustive review of facts. Its aim is rather the presentation of a biological approach to the phenomena of social behaviour. This type of approach was revived by Lorenz's pioneer studies. It is characterized by emphasis on the need for renewed and careful observation of the huge variety of social phenomena occurring in nature; by emphasis on a balanced study of the three main biological problems-function, causation, evolution; by ...
The soil is not a mass dead debris, resulting simply from the physical and chemical weathering of rocks and of plant and animal remains through atmosphere agencies, but it is teeming wife life. Every small particle of soil contains numerous types of living organisms belonging both to the plant and animal kingdoms, yet so small that they cannot be recognized with naked eye. These organisms are. Therefore, called microbes. These microbes comprise numerous types of ...
The vegetable gums and resins constitute an important group of economic plant products and are utilized in many ways. Their uses by man, in fact, go back to the earliest times. In modern industry large quantities of both resins and gums have been used for many years in manufacturing processes of various kinds. Their uses continue to increase. The terms "gum" and "resin" are often used in a somewhat indefinite or vague manner. They have been ...
Recent advances is statistical method have given the research biologist a new and valuable weapon to aid him in the accurate interpretation of his data. Statistics is a branch of applied mathematics, and a comprehensive understanding of the theory is possible only to those of a mathematical urn of mind. In consequence, a full appreciation of the fundamental mathematics must remain the propagation of the few. On the other hand, there is no reason why those who are ...
It is to be expected that some research workers will always like to watch animals, while others will prefer cathode ray oscillographs; and that, of those who study behaviour, some will crouch over rats in problem boxes while others lie in bogs peering through a binocular. This is an inevitable, and welcome, consequence of human polymorphism. Author intention has been primarily to present some of the principles of ethology, That is, of the study of behaviour. The ...
This book is designed particularly for the use of students and instructors whose practical interest in the subject is a desire to know how to recognize, understand, and prevent plant diseases, and to whom the elementary course in plant pathology is a necessary part of the background for useful work in agriculture. Some knowledge of the principles underlying the science of plant pathology is indispensable for an understanding of the behaviour of plant pathogens ...
Contemporary botanical science is characterized by great activity along many different lines. From time to time, therefore, it becomes necessary, certainly desirable, to bring together the observations and conclusions relating to major topics. Embryogenesis in Plants is such a theme. The embryology of species from different taxonomic groups has long provided subjects for research by the traditional methods of the anatomist and histologist, the results in the main ...
Having taught plant ecology at the university of Michigan Biological Station during the past thirty-two summers, the Author has acceded to repeated requests for a manual based on this course. The course was initiated and developed in line with Agassiz's famous maxim: "Study nature, not books," in addition to which special effort was made to use as little and as simple apparatus as possible. The aim was to work with plants at all times. Both high-school ...
The early chapters giving the classical types of evidence for evolution are included be cause students are the presumed audience. It is not that present-day students need to be convinced that evolution has happened, for with are exceptions they hold that view already. It is merely that they should know why they hold it. In this age too many people have opinions whose bases are not clear to them. These evidential chapters have been moderately changed. The ...
The author believes that in agricultural colleges at least, two distinct groups of students need a knowledge in entomology, and rather early in their course. One of these groups is composed of students who will never specialize in the subject but need it as part of an agricultural education, and particularly as a tool which they can use wherever insects are related to their special lines of work. They are not particularly interested in such details as the number ...